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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 23:15



热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 02:10

Question 1: If a salesperson at 'Read-Me Ltd' sold one copy of every book, how much commission would result? £11.38 £11.58 £11.73 £11.94 £12.00 Question 2: How much commission will be earned by a salesperson at 'Read-Me Ltd' who exactly meets all their targets? £11,550 £12,845 £13,750 £14,500 £14,750 Question 3: If the price of "Chinese Cuisine" increases by 55%, and the original commission percentage halves, how much commission will a salesperson get from selling one copy of this book? £1.27 £1.79 £2.31 £2.54 £3.58 Question 4: If the prices of copies of "Pacific Sailing", "Chinese Cuisine" and "Comic Verse" all increase by £2.00, which of the five book titles will give the highest commission per copy sold? Pacific Sailing Chinese Cuisine Comic Verse Euro Travel Science Today Question 5: How much would it cost to travel 400 miles in a Standard Limousine? £200 £250 £280 £310 £350 Question 6: An organisation wishes to hire two Executive Limousines to drive people on separate journeys of 200 miles. What will be the cost of this? £352 £382 £432 £482 £592 Question 7: How much would a company save if they used an Executive Limousine for one journey of 400 miles, instead of two separate journeys of 200 miles each? £130 £144 £150 £165 £184 Question 8: How much more will it cost to travel 200 miles in an Executive Limousine than the same distance in a Standard Limousine? 118£106 £108 £110 £112 £114 Question 9: A client was charged £371.10 for an Executive Limousine. How far did the client travel in the car? 234.5 290 miles 325 miles 355 miles 375 miles 400 miles Question 10: How much more would a customer have to pay back for a purchase of £400 with 12 monthly repayments than 6 monthly repayments? £30.60 £34.85 £36.60 £40.20 £52.90 Question 11: For an item with a purchase price of £600, how much would be charged in addition, if the repayments were made over one year? £75.00 £115.20 £244.92 £655.60 £715.20 Question 12: How much more would a customer have to pay back for a purchase of £1,000 with 12 monthly repayments than 6 monthly repayments? £63.90 £83.90 £85.00 £94.70 £147.80 Question 13: If the house sales target for the next six months is set at 516, what will be the percentage increase on the sales for the six months shown? 8% 10% 12% 15% 20% Question 14: Last July, 63 houses were sold. What percentage of the July figure in the graph does this represent? 90% 93% 103% 106% 113% Question 15: What is the total value of sales of Procts X and Z in January? £2,296 £4,255 £4,679 £5,317 £6,551 Question 16: How much did Wesley contribute to sales of Proct X in January (as an approximate percentage)? 15% 19% 23% 26% 30% Question 17: If the average price of a shirt sold is £30, how many were sold? 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Question 18: At an average petrol consumption of 8 miles per litre, how many litres of petrol would be needed to travel between Amberford and Claybrook? 17.25 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25 Question 19: Travelling at an average speed of 84 miles per hour, about how long would it take to travel from Eastham to Claybrook? 1 hour 14 minutes 1 hour 34 minutes 2 hours 54 minutes 3 hours 17 minutes 3 hours 24 minutes Question 20: What is the approximate percentage of total weekly sales under £100,000? 1% 26% 27% 52% 72% Question 21: What is the approximate ratio of Malls to the total number of Outlets? 1:4 1:2 2:1 3:1 4:1 Question 22: Approximately what percentage of graates and non-graates are self-employed? 10% 14% 17% 22% 23% Question 23: If the number of graates employed in Health is forecast to decline by 20% year-on-year while the number of non-graates is forecast to remain the same, how many years will it take for non-graate employees to outnumber graate employees in Health? 1 2 3 4 5 Question 24: If the number of graates employed in Ecation remains the same while the number of non-graates increases by 15% per year, how many years will it take for the number of non-graates to exceed the number of graates employed in ecation? 3 4 5 6 7 Question 25: What was the approximate average proction cost per machine employed by Line B in October? 57 4,559 8,443 483,300 51,229,800 Question 26: What was the difference in average cost per machine employed between Line A and Line C in August? 22 51 5,912 430,000 107,650 Question 27: What was the average cost per machine employed across all three lines in June? 875 3,520 3,537 4,752 4,985 Question 28: If the revenue for Car Rental in 2004 was half that for Hotels in 2005 when Holiday Lettings accounted for 5.04m Euros, what was the revenue from Hotels in 2004? 0.84m 1.05m 1.26m 2.10m 2.52m Question 29: If Other Revenue grew by 50% to 1.26m in 2005, approximately how much revenue did Holiday Lettings generate in 2004? 1.05m 1.26m 2.52m 2.63m 3.68m Question 30: Of the proposals written in 1996, what proportion were accepted? 1/2 2/3 4/5 7/8 11/12 Question 31: If the average value of revenue generated from an accepted proposal amounted to £2,623, what was the approximate total revenue generated over the years 1996 and 1997? £21,250 £212,500 £2.125 million £21.25 million Cannot say Question 32: In which of the following categories was there the highest acceptance rate for proposals? North 1996 North 1997 South 1996 South 1997 Cannot say Question 33: What are the approximate running costs for the Compact Print printer (including maintenance and ink cartridges) if 18,000 pages are printed per year? £380 £475 £658 £754 £842 Question 34: Which printer offers the lowest ink cartridge cost per page printed? Quick Print 1 Quick Print Extra Clear Print Sprint Print Compact Print Question 35: What is the approximate percentage rection in price when PA 500S microwave ovens are sold at the DRP as opposed to the RRP? 15% 19% 23% 81% 85% Question 36: On which microwave oven is there the greatest percentage mark up on Trade Price for indivial microwave ovens which are then sold at the RRP? FM 401 FM 402 XA 1010 PA 500 PA 500S Question 37: If 50 people chose "Decor" in stores nationwide, how many people took part in the survey? 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Cannot say Question 38: Which one of the following pairs of aspects are chosen as most attractive by a larger proportion of customers in newer than older stores? Proct Quality & Decor Efficiency of Service and Location Location and Friendly Staff Efficiency of Service and Prices Location and Prices Question 39: What percentage of staff at "Crush Drinks" DID NOT work in either Proction or "Other" in 1994? 46.5% 48.5% 52.5% 54.5% 57.5% Question 40: In which year did the PERCENTAGE of staff employed in Customer Service by "Crush Drinks" show the highest percentage increase compared to the level of the previous year? 1995 1996 1997 1998 Cannot say Question 41: In which year did Customer Service in 'Crush Drinks' employ its largest number of people? 1995 1996 1997 1998 Cannot say Question 42: If TV adverts generated 12,000 enquiries this year, how many enquiries did radio adverts proce this year? 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 Cannot say Question 43: If newspapers generated 22,500 enquiries last year, how many enquiries did TV adverts proce that year? 7,650 8,437 11,210 13,500 Cannot say Question 44: How many Outlets command daily sales of between £5,000 and £19,999? 961 1,296 2,316 2,611 3,338 Question 45: What is the approximate ratio of Franchised Outlets to Managed Outlets? 5:1 6:1 7:1 1:5 1:6 Question 46: If the number of Franchised Outlets doubles next year but the number of Managed Outlets decreases by 75%, what will be the revised ratio of Managed to Franchised Outlets? 1:9 1:12 1:16 1:24 1:48 Question 47: Approximately, what percentage of all 'Poor' performers work in Region 2? 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% Question 48: Which Region's Customer Service staff has the highest percentage of 'Poor' performers? Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Question 49: If the number of staff rated 'Good' increases by a quarter in Region 2 but decreases by 20% in Region 5, approximately what percentage of total staff are then rated 'Good'? 30% 45% 54% 61% 67% 只找到这些,还不知道是否今年的题目,作文题目找不到望原谅,希望有帮助
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