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英语物理题 全答上了支付宝转账20 说到做到 要过程 谢谢 不会的别捣乱 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 19:39



热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 11:24

Frequency: Frequency never changes whatever medium a wave goes through since it is fixed by the frequency of the source.
Amplitude: On the boundery, part of the wave is reflected and part is transmitted. So the amplitude changes.
Wavelength: Wavelength will be affected by the property of the medium, so it changes.
Velocity: V=wavelength*frequency. Since frequency never changs but wavelength does, the velocity does.
Direction: Refraction occurs on the boundary of different mediums, it changes the direction of the wave.

Conclusion: Frequency never changes.

7. 画图题,只要把两个波叠加起来画就行了。比如0+0=0 0+1=1 1+1=2 -1+1=0

8. When a wave goes around to an object or hole and the size of the object/hole is similar as the wavelength of the wave, diffraction will happen.
There seems several wave sources at the edges of the object/hole. The frequency of the new sources, is the same as the original one.

If we arrange a wave go through two ore more holes which size is similar as the wavelengh, it will lead to interference because the two or more waves generated
by the new sources have the same frequency, wavelength and velocity, and there may be a phase shift.

9. The refractive index of the two mediums and the incident angle of the wave.

10. There is a natural viration frequency to make water slosh back and forth. When we shake the pan with a frequency, we enhance the vibration or weaken it.
If the frequency we make is similar as the natural frequency of water, the vibration will be enhanced. Otherwise it will be weakened.追问支付宝给我

热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 11:24

wave frequency
Because wave frequency just depends on wave source.
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