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苹果Xcode 8.3.2更新了什么 苹果Xcode 8.3.2更新修复内容一览

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 11:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 23:49

Apple LLVM Compiler

Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where valid C++ code involving a nested struct, enum, or lambda would fail to compile in C++1z mode. (31385254)
Build System

Resolved Issues
Xcode no longer proces an Update Signing report for targets that use manual signing. (31276851)

Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue preventing output without newlines from being printed in the Xcode Debug Console until there is more output. This issue prevented interactive programs from working with the Xcode Debug console, causing prompts to appear only after a user entered text with a newline. (31465525)
Interface Builder

Resolved Issues
Interface Builder documents for iOS that contain a color based on an image pattern no longer result in a compiler error. Image pattern colors are not supported, and are now always converted to black when compiled. (31342191)
Fixed an issue that caused text to be hidden in Interface Builder documents that use a System size font. (31503323)

Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue preventing user interaction events being sent from inside the live view of an iOS playground that is running on a device with a non-Retina display, or on a device with a connected non-Retina display. (31445684)

Resolved Issues
Resolves an issue where variables in entitlements files were always expanded using the Debug build configuration instead of the active build configuration. (31456053)
Swift Compiler

Resolved Issues
Xcode now scheles Swift whole-mole optimization jobs in parallel, enabling better utilization of multiple cores for building projects. (31478013)
Swift Migrator

Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue where the Swift 3 Migrator would not apply compiler fix-it items. (30984612)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 23:49

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