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采购简历 英文高手请翻译一下,与我自己写的和写不出来的核对一下

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 14:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:24

Estimation eventual purchase quantities as orders’ requires. setting up purchase plan and annual purchase analysis and expecting.
Delivery leadtime control. To supervise suppliers to ship goods according to purchase schele in order to meet proction need.
Material quality control. To follow material quality and dealing with defective procts with QC dept. and technical dept.
Cost control. Analysis of purchase cost, price control.
5:供应商管理:定期评价供货商。根据供应商的概况、技术 含量、交货情况、价格等方面综合地对供应商进行评价。从而优化供应商,培养有发展潜力的供应商,储备新的供应商。
Suppliers control. It’s necessary to evaluate regularly suppliers on base of general scale , technology level, delivery record, price etc in order to optimize suppliers and develop potential one for future.

Cost control. Price recing more than 15% per quarter.
(2005年1月完成GB Project:PCB&FPCB ASS’Y 不良补偿Process改善。)
To Improve and regulate defected goods refunding process.
( GB Project:PCB&FPCB ASS’Y defected goods refunding Process completed on Jan of 2005)
Stock control, regarding stock “zero” as object. To rece uncontrolled factors and improve suppliers to be nationalized.
It’s necessary to supply material timely and low logistic charge. For stock caused by unexpected orders cancel, we should cooperate with Sale dept. in order to make turnover more effective and reasonable. Clients’ orders should be monitored for purpose of adjusting proction plan and avoiding unnecessary stock.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:24

1: In accordance with orders, it is expected that the demand for procurement; the development of procurement plans; annual procurement analysis and outlook.

2: delivery management: supervision of procurement plans in accordance with the supplier to complete orders on time, on-time shipment, in order to timely meet the proction requirements.

3: incoming quality management: tracking of raw materials quality, collaborative quality department, technical department to carry out a common treatment of non-performing procts.

4: Cost Control: Cost Analysis of procurement, price control.

5: Supplier Management: periodic evaluation of suppliers. According to the supplier, an overview, technical content, delivery, price and so on comprehensive evaluation of suppliers. To optimize the supplier to cultivate potential suppliers, new suppliers reserve.

1: cost control, each quarter, prices fell more than 15%.

2: Optimization of non-performing goods compensation norms Process.

(January 2005 to complete GB Project: PCB & FPCB ASS'Y Compensation Process improvement undesirable.)

3: inventory management, in order to "zero" as the goal inventory. To rece the uncontrollable factors, and promote domestic suppliers,

Availability at any time. Rece logistics costs. Consultations with the business sector to deal with accidents e to cancellation of customer orders unsalable inventory, surplus inventory, so inventory turns were more reasonable. At any time concerned about the changes in customer orders shipped to adjust plans in order to avoid problems in the library.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:25

1: In accordance with orders, it is expected that the demand for procurement; the development of procurement plans; annual procurement analysis and outlook. 2: delivery management: supervision of procurement plans in accordance with the supplier to complete orders on time, on-time shipment, in order to timely meet the proction requirements. 3: incoming quality management: tracking of raw materials quality, collaborative quality department, technical department to carry out a common treatment of non-performing procts.
4: Cost Control: Cost Analysis of procurement, price control. 5: Supplier Management: periodic evaluation of suppliers. According to the supplier, an overview, technical content, delivery, price and so on comprehensive evaluation of suppliers. To optimize the supplier to cultivate potential suppliers, new suppliers reserve.

1: cost control, each quarter, prices fell more than 15%. 2: Optimization of non-performing goods compensation norms Process. (2005 years 1 months to complete GB Project: PCB & FPCB ASS'Y Compensation Process improvement undesirable.) 3: inventory management, in order to "zero" as the goal inventory. To rece the uncontrollable factors, and promote domestic suppliers and suppliers at any time. Rece logistics costs. Consultation with the business deal with an accident e to cancellation of customer orders unsalable inventory, surplus inventory, so inventory turns were more reasonable. At any time concerned about the changes in customer orders shipped adjust plans in order to avoid problems in the library

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:25

1: According to order form demand, estimate purchase demand; Formulation buying plan; Year purchase analysis and forecast. 2: Date of delivery management: Supervises the supplier to complete the order form on time according to the buying plan, punctual shipping, with the aim of meeting the proction need promptly. 3: Expects the quality control: The track raw material quality, the coordination quality department, the technical department do not carry on processing together to the nondefective. 4: Cost control: Procurement cost analysis, price control. 5: Supplier management: Appraises the supplier regularly. According to aspects and so on supplier's survey, technique content, delivery situation, price carries on the appraisal comprehensive to the supplier. Thus the optimized supplier, raises has the development potential supplier, stockpiles the new supplier. 1: Cost control, each quarter price fall above 15%. 2: The standard optimizes the nondefective not to compensate Process. (in January, 2005 completes GB Project:PCB&FPCB ASS'Y bad to compensate the Process improvement.) 3: The stock management, take “zero” the stock as a goal. Reces the uncontrolled factor, advances the supplier 囯 to proce, momentarily supplies goods. Reced physical distribution expense. Consults processing because with the Sales office the customer accident cancel order unsalable stock, the surplus stock, causes the stock cycling rate to be more reasonable. Momentarily the attention customer order form's change adjusts proces goods the plan, in order to avoid creates the problem in the storehouse.
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