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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 18:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 20:47

You were my sun
You were my earth
But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no
So you took a chance
And made other plans
But I bet you didn't think your thing would come crashing down, no
You don't have to say, what you did,
I already know, I found out from him
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
And don't it make you sad about it
You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
To cry, cry me a river
Cry me a river-er
Cry me a river
Cry me a river-er, yea yea
I know that they say
That somethings are better left unsaid
It wasn't like you only talked to him and you know it
(Don't act like you don't know it)
All of these things people told me
Keep messing with my head
(Messing with my head)
You should've picked honesty
Then you may not have blown it
You don't have to say, what you did,
(Don't have to say, what you did)
I already know, I found out from him
Timberlake Justin
(I already know, uh)
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
(No chance, you and me)
And don't it make you sad about it
You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
(All alone)
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
(When you call me on the phone)
Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
(I'm not like them baby)
Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
(It's your turn)
To cry, cry me a river
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river-er
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, yea yea
The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be... leaving
(Don't have to say, what you did)
I already know, I found out from him
(I already know, uh)
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
(No chance, you and me)
And don't it make you sad about it
Cry me a river
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river-er
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river
(You can go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, yea yea
Cry me a river
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river-er
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river
(Cause I've already cried)
Cry me a river-er, yea yea
(Ain't gonna cry no more, yea-yea)
Cry me a river
Cry me a river, oh
Cry me a river, oh
Cry me a river, oh
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river
(Cry me, cry me)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 20:47

There is a sense only of their own
I own feelings kaleidoscope than done, their sense of spiritual soul than done, no matter what kind of different and the difference would affect my feelings, my emotions are.
I find, very free and easy, will naturally be a very painful because I have a sense of the evolution.
I used to the solitude of this eccentric, closed their love in the air in a simulation of their own free space, quiet but not lonely, no one broke into the territory of my love, my love, my loss It is my sorrow, my love, my love, my love, my crazy with the bumps along the way, is all I can not touch all of the territories, any reasonably-day trials and tribulations, and not to Shaken, not all things to bullying, I still love my mother to be alone.
My Lingxi in this wizard on the evolution of each of the notes crying to enjoy a happy day for Zhao Na, a tear to my sad and dreary world, a smile can make my world a brilliant, ll and grievances so that I can leave paradise, all All the feelings I have become the key to the spirit of the territory, so that I can not be divorced from the key to that ... ...
I should have left well-being, but it's strange than the last time she was also formidable.
Looked out the window every night under the bright window, listening to the sound of joy from inside, so my feeling is no anesthesia consciousness, I would like that she's certainly far away in the darkness under the same window, enjoying Happy, happy enjoying every day, she will not feel the darkness below a window in a sparkling with him in the Lingxi with my loneliness, the sense of touch so I can only belong to the lonely night.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 20:48

your爱情only you knou!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 20:48

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