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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 20:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 15:09

she and he is neighbour,but they dont meet each other.on occission,they meet in their way what they walk everyday.
one day,on his way work,because she was late,so she walked fastly,at this time,she hit him who was absend-minded.
W:oh,(touch her arm)
M:who?(turn back his head,flame in his eyes) thoughting...this girl is my lover in my dream
W:picked up things on the flood and said :so sorry
he stupefid sereval seconds,said :not...at all.
the girl smiled and turned around and went away
he thought I was hard to meet her who I like,cant give up,so he followed her in the back of her.
the second day:
position:bus station
story:this night,he could not fall asleep.the second day,he stood in the front of window and awaited her,he wanted to know when did she leave.
W:(surprious in her eyes)smiled and noded
M:"you dont remember me?" he said.
M:the one hit you yesterday,remember?
W:noded again
M:do you have free tonight?I want to make an appointment with you.
W:I am sorry,may be not.
M:especially,I like you.
W:"I am sorry,we dont know each other"she said with hatly words
M(cold laugh.... said nothing
he think he hit by frustrate.
but he did not want to give up.
so he want to express yourself at night again.
two robber appeared
they ran in the front of her and put the sword on her neck and said"give your money to me
she shouted:help......
at this time,he appeared as superman
saved her
and got her heart

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 15:09

He and she are neighbors but never met before; one day, on the regular route they travel everyday, they bumped into each other by accident.

One day on the way to office, she walked especially fast because she was late for work, and carelessly bumped into him who happened to be preoccupied.
Girl : Oh, it hurts! (soothing her arm )
Boy : Who’s that? (turn around, eyes glowing, thinking” isn’t she my dream girl?”)
Girl : I’m sorry (picking up things on the ground)
Boy : (pause for a while) It’s….it’s alright.
The girl smiled, turned around and left.
The boy thought that it was not easy to find someone he liked, he must not give up the chance; so he started following her.

VENUE: Bus stand
STORY: It was a sleepless night for him. Early next morning, he was at the window watching for her to come out.
Boy : Hi !
Girl : (giving him a doubtful glare, then nodding smilingly)
Boy : Can’t remember me ?
Girl : Yes ?
Boy : The one who knocked you yesterday, remember?
Girl : (nods again)
Boy : Are you free tonight ? Can I date you out ?
Girl : Maybe not, I’m sorry.
Boy : You know, I like you actually.
Girl : (giving him an annoying look ) Sorry, I don’t think we know each other.
Boy : ( giving a mocking smile and saying nothing)
He felt beaten but refused to give up, so he decided to try again at night.

TIME : Evening
Two toughies appeared in front of her, placed a knife on her neck and
Said: Give me your money!
She panicked and shouted for help,
Right at this time he appeared like a superman and saved her,
And won her heart as well.
热血江湖剑客怎么升级快些 三月份有哪些花开花 三月份有哪些花开花呢 三月什么花开的最旺盛呢 请问急性化脓性扁桃体炎期间可不可以食用巧克力? 扁桃体化脓吃什么消炎药 为什么扁桃体发炎或者化脓以后不能喝冷水或者吃辣的东西呢? 扁桃体化脓能吃冰淇淋吗 扁桃体化脓可以吃什么 炸酱面通常使用哪种面条? ...写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Halloween(万圣节... 英语介词超级烂,请求帮助! 嘀嗒拼车为什么登录连接超时 请教一下这个句子 是不是苹果手机越狱后就不能用嘀嗒拼车, 韭菜水饺怎么做好吃? 有谁知道事业单位考试怎么个流程,在每个步骤中去哪些网查相关的东西?? 我是大四在校学生,想考本地的公务员或事业单位需要看什么书,怎么了解报考时间,流程信息?请大神赐教! 如何第一时间知道相关县市发布的事业单位考试 韭菜水饺怎么做比较好吃呢? 暗黑3重铸能出远古吗 每年每个地方事业单位考试怎么知道的?进哪个网址? 暗黑3 100次连续重铸能不能出太古 从2月24日往后 哪天有CBA长春大成主场的球赛 篮球赛CBA CBA篮球赛什么时候开赛啊? 描写女子美貌的诗词。 cba男子篮球赛十一月三日以后为什么没有了? 几时才有CBA的球赛看啊? cba辽宁队比赛有吗 描写女子外貌的诗词 求英文短文翻译,给英文,找中文版 堕落神明披风 怀旧服猎人猛禽一击怎么不卡 无疤头,克苏恩的头都能换点什么装备? 圣骑士T2.5套幻化手和腰带配哪个 农村家用土灶上用的抽油烟机, 锰合金材质和304不锈钢材质哪种好? 三年级作文十五曰记二百字。 鼻子上骨头哪里按着会有骨头啪啪的声音,我以前鼻子被撞过后来看上去就有点歪了,还能恢复吗? 我的鼻骨骨折了会不会歪 男19,鼻子一年前骨折了打篮球撞的,但是没错位,没有做错位矫正。昨天又不小心撞了下,听见里边骨头响 鼻子撞了会不会歪 把手指放在鼻子里然后使劲用手指向左右推鼻孔之间的那个骨头会歪吗? 鼻子受到猛地一下撞击,当时很痛,过了一会没那么痛了,第二天摸到鼻梁处有一点点痛,会不会伤到骨头或者 打哈欠右脸骨头会响一下,感觉骨头多一块还是 错位怎么的,下巴自动往左偏,平时脸不对称, 是歪的,下 学习交通运输民航运输管理方向的朋友们,能个跟我说说学习这个专业的 中国民航大学空中交通规划与管理专业的研究生就业好不好?可以去哪些地方就业? 鼻子骨骼歪了 十二月出生的属羊是不是命不好 OA宿舍管理功能有什么价值?