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Morningstar 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 02:51



热心网友 时间:2024-04-26 07:57


标题:Morning Star
艺术家:Amberian Dawn
In the early sky
I see the light of the Morning star
shining bright, and from the open ground
I hear the harmony of voices singing far away.
Follow the light,
it will lead your way to harmony!
Follow the light,
with only one reach you can touch the First light!
Purity, eternal shine
power of the Morning star!
Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.
To the sky I send my light,
join the power of the morning star and
wholeness of the greatness
Sun and Stars, the Milkyway in the wide Universe!
Follow the light,
it will lead your way to harmony!
Follow the light,
with only one reach you can touch the First light!
Purity, eternal shine
power of the Morning star!
Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.
Follow the light,
it will lead your way to harmony!
Follow the light,
with only one reach you can touch the First light!
Purity, eternal shine
power of the Morning star!
Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.
Follow the light,
it will lead your way to harmony!
Follow the light,
with only one reach you can touch the First light!
Purity, eternal shine
power of the Morning star!
Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.

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