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发布网友 发布时间:1天前



热心网友 时间:1天前

1.could you please give me some milk and cake , i'm hungry
2. if you want to be health you shuould eat less and do more exercise.
3.Pleses take turn to me different food.
4.everydoy knows that what she eat and life
5.what the differents between this word and that worde?
6.we are try to find out our eating hobby and life living.
7.we shuold be caureful our eating hobby
8.how often you have a travel once a year
9.how long does your guandfather do exercise everyday.
10.what does your brother want to be ? a policeman
11.what does your mother plan to eat
12.plese you try to find this foods name
13.what are you find? i am looking for some healthy story.but i find nothing
14.do thease animal live in the water?
15.i play games hardly
16.jack is always stay at home on sunday
17.sometimes talk with friend on the Internet
18.Jack always late for classe
19.jae uausl eat egg and bread a meal
20.she never go skating.


热心网友 时间:1天前

1.Excuse me,considering that I'm too hungry, could you give some me milk and cake?
2.If you want to be health enough,you'd better eat less and do more sports.
3.please take turn to tell me different kind of food.
4.Everyone knows what she eats every day and how to live with her.
5.What't the difference between these two words ,A and B?
6.We are planning to try to find out different eating habits and lifestyle suitable for us.
7.We must be careful about our eating habits.
8.How often do you go on holiday? Once a year.
9.How long does your grandpa exercise every day ? Less than an hour.
10. what job do your brother want to quite? A police officer.
11.What does your mother plan to eat for dinner?
Eat some fish, vegetables, and fruits, as these will be helpful for her health.
12.Please try to find the names of these food.
13.What are you looking for? I am finding some stories about healthy, but I find nothing.
14Those animals live in water.
15I rarely play video games.
16. Jack is always at home on sunday.
17.Sometimes, I chat with friends online on Sunday.
18.XX is often late for class.
19.Jane usually eat eggs and bread as dinner.
20.She never goes out for skating.
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