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LOVE TRAP~爱情陷阱~的歌词是什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2天前



热心网友 时间:2天前

LOVE TRAP~爱情陷阱~的歌词是:

You were a temptation I could not resist the bait
Now I look around me and I find there's no escape
I am like a fly
caught up in a black widow's web

Help me
What a fool I was not to have seen through your disguise

But your beauty blinded me it took me by surprise
I should have known better than to
listen to your pretty alibis
I had a notion
to taste the potion
of love you gave me

Now that it's too late
how well I see
Love's a tender trap
But there's to turnin' back
No no not for me
I'm a victim of your sweet deception
And now I can't break free

Love's a tender trap
But there's no turnin' back
I fell in too deep
Down down
I'm sinkin' down
Help me help me help me
Love is a trap

When I heard you calling I just couldn't help myself
I knew I was falling but it seemed like someone else
You sneaked up behind
pushed me right on over the edge
Help me
You know I still love you though you treat me like you do
How can you just stand there Oh how can you be so cruel
You know you can save me
But you lock the door and throw away the key

I had a notion
to taste the potion
of love you gave me
Now that it's too late
how well I see

Love's a tender trap
But there's to turnin' back
No no not for me
I'm a victim of your sweet deception
And now I can't break free

Love's a tender trap
But there's no turnin' back
I fell in too deep
Down down
I'm sinkin' down
Help me help me help me
Love is a trap
Love's a tender trap
But there's to turnin' back
No no not for me
I'm a victim of your sweet deception
And now I can't break free
Love's a tender trap
But there's no turnin' back
I fell in too deep
Down down I'm sinkin' down
Help me help me help me
Love is a trap

Help me help me help me
Love is a trap

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