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热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 07:19

二:Last weekend, my friend XXX(你朋友名字) went to me and told me that he was very unhappy, i asked him why and he told me the reason:"yesterday i went to the shopping mall, i saw a pair of Nike running shoes that looked really good. I wanted to buy them very much, because it will make the people look up at me when i wear them to school. But my family is poor and I have no money to buy them."So i told him:"It is OK, you don't need those shoes to make you look good, you just have to believe in your self. Being poor is not that much of a problem!!"

一:"No pains,no gains"is a proverb that means we cannot gain or achieve anything without care,trouble or hard work.
It goes without saying that a student will have to study hard and stick to his books if he wants to become a learned scholar . If a man wants to succed in bussiness,he will have to work hard,rise early and work long hours.
"No pains,no gains"is certainly true of bussiness. It is true,too,of character building.A fine noble character is,as a rule,not born,but the result of effort and struggle. One has to take pains to form good habits,to abandon bad ones and to resist temptation and to grow virtuous.
"No pains,no gains"is a motto that han been encouraging many men of will to attain their goals.Stick to it and you are bound to succeed.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 07:19


热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 07:20


i asked him why and he told me the reason:"yesterday i went to the shopping mall, i saw a pair of Nike running shoes that looked really good. I wanted to buy them very much,


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I can find interesting in English with you,share the sweat fruit,and share the joys of victory. 我希望能在这里和大家一起找到学习英语的快乐,一起分享着甜蜜的果实,一起分享胜利的喜悦 I hope I can make friend with you! 希望大家都能成为我的好朋友 Thank you ! 谢谢大家!


xx,you can call me kelsey.I like 你们可以叫我KELSEY。 我喜欢 singing,watching TV,playing computer 唱歌,看电视,玩游戏和看书。games and reading.My favorite animal is 我最爱的动物是小狗 ,dog,because they are very 因为它们很可爱。lovely .Animation is also my favorite.动漫也是我...


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英语短文 急!!!介绍从家到学校的路线。

side of this street,it will take you right there.翻译:这是我的家。沿着这条街走,在第一个十字路口向左拐。一直走,直到你右边看到一个大马路,然后向右拐,一直走,你会发现学校就在你前面。步行大约25分钟。你不会错过的。你也可以在这条街的另一边乘3路公共汽车,它会把你送到那里。


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