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发布网友 发布时间:6小时前



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 09:33

1.wide wider widest
2.small smaller smallest
3.hot hotter hottest
4.busy busier busiest
5.little less least
6.many more most
7.well better best
8.ill worse worst
9.brightly more brightly most brightly
10.careless more careless most careless
1.the street is as ( long)(long)as that one,but it is(wider )(wide)than that one
2.my brother is three years ( older)(old)than I
3.his drawing isn't so (good)(good)as yours
4.my mother often gets up (the earliest)(early)in the family
5.lesson one is (the easiest)(easy)than lesson three
6.Li Lei came to school( the latest)(late)of them all today
7.then Beijing Library is one of the (biggest)(big)libraries in China
8.look!she is running (faster)(fast) and ()(fast)
9.Mr Wang is the (busiest)(busy) worker in our workshop
10.which movie is (more interesting)(interesting),this one or that one?
1.after entering the WTO,____C___ foreigners will come to our country for business
a.some b.all c.more d.fewer
2.my daughter is happy,for she's wearing a ___B____ skirt
a.big b.new c.thick d.ugly
3.who is ____C___ ,Li Ping or Wei Fang
a.tall b.the tallest c.taller d.very tall
4.my mother got up_____D__ than any other person in my family
a.more early b.earliest c.much early d.much earlier
5.Lin Tao's backpack is ___D____ of three
a.so heavy b.heavier c.heaviest d.the heaviest
6.I don't work___C____ my sister
a.as harder as b.so harder as c.as hard as d.the hardest
7.she is very thin,but her sister is even___B____
a.very thin b.thinner c.much thin d.the thinnest
8.of all these subjects,I like Chinese B
a.more b.best c.better d.well
9.I think Yi,the famous Chinese basketball player,will be ___A____ new star in NBA
a.the hottset b.hottest c.hotter d.hot
10.some young people are now____D___ to buy private cars
a.rather richi b.very rich c.enough rich d.rich enough

1.wide wider widest 2.small smaller smallest 3.hot hotter hottest 4.busy busier busiest 5.little less least 6.many more most 7.well better best 8.ill worse worst 9.brightly more brightly most brightly 10.careless more careless most careless 用适当形式填空 1.the s...

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