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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 19:20



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 00:08

Dear Allen,

I really enjoyed meeting you. Before you purchase our gummed tape, I want to know the information as following. First of all, where will the product use, for your car plant or sell someone eles or any other use. Second, special instruction for this product, the price we`ve quoted and site of the transaction should be highly classified because this two elements relate to the entitlement of regional sales.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 00:05

Hi Allen,
Very nice meeting you.
Before I offer you prices of our gummed tapes you buy, I want to confirm with you for some details:
1. Where will you use the product? ( use it in your own car plant, or you sell it to others for their use)
2. Special illustrations for this product, the prices we offer you and origin of purchase must be in complete secrecy( because, it refers to the issue of area sales authority)

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 00:08

hello allen,very nice to know you.before quote our adhesive tape for you,i need to know,first,how will you use these products( by yourself for sell all to others without any process)second,what should explain especially is as for this product,our company need to be kept secret highly for the price and purchase place ( for it refers to regional sales power limits)

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 00:02

Hello Allen, It`s my pleasure to meet you. I really want to get some information as follows before you purchase the gummed tape of our company as well as the quoted price. First, where do you want to put this product into utilization like selling to someone else or using by self. Second, as an special declaration, the price we`ve quoted and site of the transaction should be highly classified because this two elements relate to the entitlement of regional sales.
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