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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-20 22:07



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 23:55

Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training


Abstract: The current limitations of NLU (Natural Language Understanding) include a scarcity of labeled data, which hinders model performance improvements. Pre-training language models also face issues; they are not universally applicable e to varying performance across different loss functions and lack of comprehensive training data covering all NLP tasks. They lack a unified approach to migrating models to downstream tasks, often requiring task-specific adjustments.

GPT introces a generative pre-training process on large-scale, unlabelled datasets to create a pre-trained model. This is followed by a discriminative fine-tuning phase on task-specific, small-scale labeled datasets. GPT is distinct from BERT in its use of traditional language modeling methods for pre-training, focusing on predicting the next word given previous context. This approach makes GPT particularly adept at natural language generation tasks, while BERT excels in natural language understanding tasks. The core difference lies in the pre-training tasks and their corresponding objective functions, with GPT tackling a more challenging next-word prediction task compared to BERT's context completion.

GPT-1 utilizes the Transformer architecture for its robust features in NLP tasks. It processes structured text input as a continuous sequence of tokens. The decoder-only structure omits the encoder, focusing solely on masked multi-head attention and feed-forward layers. GPT's training methodology involves unsupervised pre-training followed by supervised fine-tuning.

Unsupervised Pre-Training: GPT-1 trains using a language model objective to maximize the likelihood of predicting the next word in a sequence given previous context. The model parameters are optimized to predict future words accurately.

Supervised Fine-Tuning: Post-pre-training, the model can be directly applied to supervised tasks. Each instance consists of input tokens and labels, with the final output feature vector being transformed through a fully connected layer to yield predictions.

GPT-1's buy points include its ability to perform well across various tasks without extensive adjustments, its reliance on a consistent model structure, and the absence of task-specific mole adaptations. The model's effectiveness across different tasks showcases its versatility and generalizability.

GPT vs. BERT: GPT uses the Transformer decoder with a standard language modeling objective, while BERT employs the encoder with a masked language modeling objective. GPT's performance is inferior to BERT e to the difficulty of its pre-training task, the size of the data used, and the superior performance of BERT with a larger dataset.

GPT2 introces a zero-shot learning approach by pre-training on a larger dataset, WebText, and increasing the model size to 1.5 billion parameters. The goal is to leverage the model's ability to generalize across tasks without the need for specific task-related training data.

Model Construction: GPT2 adopts a pre-training + prompt predict methodology, enabling zero-shot learning without altering the model's architecture or parameters. The model processes text prompts to infer and execute tasks without explicit task indicators in the input.

Unsupervised Pre-Training: Similar to GPT-1, GPT2 trains on a language model objective to maximize the likelihood of predicting the next word in a sequence.

Zero-Shot Prediction: GPT2 demonstrates zero-shot learning capability by predicting tasks based on text prompts without any downstream task-specific training or modifications. The model infers the task from the prompt and performs the necessary operations to complete the task.

GPT2 Conclusion: GPT2 showcases the potential of models with large capacity and extensive data to perform various tasks without additional training, highlighting the importance of generalization in NLP models. However, its performance remains limited, motivating the development of GPT3.

GPT3 advances few-shot learning by enabling models to rapidly learn new tasks with minimal data. It leverages large pre-trained models and meta-learning techniques to adapt to new tasks with just a few examples. The Sparse Transformer architecture and increased model capacity contribute to GPT3's ability to perform well on a variety of tasks, although its long text generation capabilities are still considered weak.

Despite its architectural simplicity, GPT3 emphasizes the power of large-scale pre-training and the Transformer architecture's ability to generalize across tasks. While it can achieve impressive results in certain contexts, GPT3 is not a universal solution and faces limitations when dealing with tasks outside its learned distribution or in conflict with it.

Transformers, as the backbone of GPT series models, demonstrate the effectiveness of deep learning architectures in natural language processing. However, the reliance on vast amounts of data and the Transformer's predictive capabilities also highlight the importance of understanding the limitations and potential biases in model training. The evolution from GPT1 to GPT3 showcases the continuous advancement in NLP techniques and the pursuit of more generalizable and versatile language models.
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