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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 05:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 05:32

In the later period of war, 14-year-old Narita, whose mother was killed in an air strike committed by US Air Force and whose father died in the war when serving in Navy, brought little Setsuko with him. They lived with their aunt. Later on, they moved to a cave near the lake since their aunt treated them bad. Setsuko became weaker and weaker due to malnutrition. However, Narita had nothing to do with it. At last, Setsuko left where fireflies wandered all over the night and brother Narita died soon that they shook hands, enjoying the candies. The fireflies delightedly fluttered in the air as if wishing them happiness.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 05:33

The late war, the mother in a U.S. air strike killed vilification, and as the father of the Navy has also died in the war. 14-year-old Cheng Tian section with a young son at the aunt host family. However, after a period of time as a burdensome aunt, brother and sister were on the sarcastic comments all day, so do not want to Alone in a New Home two brothers, moved to the lakeside living in a cave.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 05:40

The late war, the mother in a U.S. air strike killed vilification, and as the father of the Navy has also died in the war. 14-year-old Cheng Tian section with a young son at the aunt host family. However, after a period of time as a burdensome aunt, brother and sister were on the sarcastic comments all day, so do not want to Alone in a New Home two brothers, moved to the lakeside living in a cave. Malnutrition as a result of long, sub-section of the body weak day by day, but as a brother of the sincere but not field. Finally, sub-section of a firefly in the night sky from the world. Cheng Tien also soon passed away. Setsuko dark brother holding hands, happily eating candy, sky of fireflies dancing merrily, as if to congratulate them on finally found happiness.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 05:37

In the later period of war, 14-year-old Narita, whose mother was killed in an air strike committed by US Air Force and whose father died in the war when serving in Navy, brought little Setsuko with him. They lived with their aunt. Later on, they moved to a cave near the lake since their aunt treated them bad. Setsuko became weaker and weaker due to malnutrition. However, Narita had nothing to do with it. At last, Setsuko left where fireflies wandered all over the night and brother Narita died soon that they shook hands, enjoying the candies. The fireflies delightedly fluttered in the air as if wishing them happiness.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 05:37

The late war, the mother in a U.S. air strike killed vilification, and as the father of the Navy has also died in the war. 14-year-old Cheng Tian section with a young son at the aunt host family. However, after a period of time as a burdensome aunt, brother and sister were on the sarcastic comments all day, so do not want to Alone in a New Home two brothers, moved to the lakeside living in a cave. Malnutrition as a result of long, sub-section of the body weak day by day, but as a brother of the sincere but not field. Finally, sub-section of a firefly in the night sky from the world. Cheng Tien also soon passed away. Setsuko dark brother holding hands, happily eating candy, sky of fireflies dancing merrily, as if to congratulate them on finally found happiness.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 05:33

The late war, the mother in a U.S. air strike killed vilification, and as the father of the Navy has also died in the war. 14-year-old Cheng Tian section with a young son at the aunt host family. However, after a period of time as a burdensome aunt, brother and sister were on the sarcastic comments all day, so do not want to Alone in a New Home two brothers, moved to the lakeside living in a cave.
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