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发布网友 发布时间:3小时前



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:02

应该是这首吧 This is how we do it

This is how we do
We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club
This is how we do
Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love
This is how we do
We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club
This is how we do
Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love
Fresh like, unhh; Impala, unnh
Crome hyrdolics, 808 drums

You don't want, none
Nigga betta, run
When beef is on, I'll pop that, drum
Come get, some
Pistol grip, pump
If a nigga step on my white Air, Ones
Since red, rum
Ready here I, come
Compton, unh
Dre found me in the, slums
Sellin that skunk, one hand on my gun
I was sellin rocks when Master P was sayin "Unnnh"
Buck pass the blunt
These G-Unit girls just wanna have, fun
Coke and rum
Got weed on the ton
I'm bangin with my hand up her dress like, unh
I'll make her cum, purple haze in my lungs
Whole gang in the front in case a nigga wanna, stunt

I put Lamborghini doors on that Es-co-lade
Low pro's so low look like I'm riding on blades
In one year mang, a nigga's so paid
I have a straight bitch in the telly goin both ways (Ah!)
Touch me, tease me, kiss me, please me
I give it to ya just how you like it, girl
You know I'm rockin with the best tre pound on my hip
Teflon on my chest
They say I'm no good
Cuz I'm so hood
Rich folks do not want me around
Cuz shit might pop off, and if shit pop off
Somebody gon' get laid the * out
They call me new money, say I have no class
I'm from the bottom, I came up too fast
The hell if I care, I'm just here to get my cash
Bougie ass bitches, you can kiss my ass
I put gold Daytonas on that Cherry Six-Four
This is how we do
We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club
This is how we do
Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love
This is how we do
We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club
This is how we do
Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love
White walls so clean it's like I'm ridin on bulbs
Hit one switch mang, that ass so low
Cali got niggaz in New York ridin on hundred spokes
Touch me, tease me, kiss me, please me
I give it to ya just how you like it, girl
You know I'm rockin with the best fo' pound on my hip
Gold chain on my chest (Ah!)

50, unh
Bentley, unh
Em came 'n gotta nigga fresh out the, slum
Automatic, gun
Fuck 'em one-on-one
We wrap up ya punk ass, stunt 'n ya done
Homie, it's Game time
You ready? Here I come
Call Lloyd Banks and get this mother*er, crunk
It took two, months
But Fifty got it done
Signed with G-unit
Had niggaz like, "huh?"
Don't try to front
I'll leave yo' ass, slumped
Thinkin I'm a punk
Get your *in head, lumped
Fifty got a, gun
Ready here he come
Gotta sick, vendetta
To get this, chedda
Meet my Ba, Retta
The dra-ma, setta
Sip Am-a, retta
My flow sounds, betta
Than average
On tracks I'm a savage
I damage
Any nigga tryin' to front on my clique (G-Unit!




热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:02

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