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Life in the twenty-second century will be very different from life...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 14:27



lifeinthe21st century英语作文

Life in the 21st Century is very interesting.In the new century we will lead an exciting life.For example,we can do some shopping on the Internet instead of shops.In this way ,we neednot worry about the crowded shopping mall.And,students will use computers in class.They can s...


also cannot find the correlation in the urbandistrict the product perhaps the movie playbill picture symbol. But,Seattle sends out the breath or cannot be separated from the romanticflavor, that is a natural presenting, has not passed through the mediapacking, also does not have the...






Life in the 21st CenturyAs we all know,we now live in the 21st century .Our life is getting more and more convenient than before .We don't have to wash clothes by hands or go to a far place on foot.Nowadays,mobile phones are mon as telephones.Our life is getting more ...



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有益 be bad for 对…有害for long=for a long time 长期 for short 简称 be short for是…的简称 TV is short for “television”8. come true 实现 comedown下来 come from=be from 来自,出生于comein/into 进入,进来 come on 赶快 come over 过来 come along 走吧,过来,...


When it comes to Shelley, a famous sentence flashed upon my mind, “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” Personally speaking, I really admire Shelley because of his romantic life experience. Also, William Wordsworth appraise Shelley as “One of the best artists of us all”, and ...


Final Fantasy XIV 最终幻想XIV TERA: The Exiled Realm of .. TERE:放逐者的国度 Gods and Heroes: Rome Risi.. 众神与英雄:罗马的崛起 Earthrise 地出 EVE Online 星战前传online Lord of the Rings Online 指环王魔戒 online Atlantica Online (Atlantica这是别人自己开发商杜撰的...


28. As Woody Allen said, "Eternity is very long, especially towards the end". Any creatures who witness the sun's demise, here on Earth or far beyond, won't be human. They will be entities as different from us as we are from a bug.29. But even in this "concertinaed" timeline -...

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