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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 20:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 20:14

China's classical garden (yuan2lin2) and the western classical gardens shine with their own light of wisdom respectively. Following the intensive progression of modern urbanization, the transformation of modern living environment, the massive changes in culture, ecology and pace of living and the transformation of housing nowadays, what kind of landscaped garden is needed in the housing areas of modern people in the city?

Modern housing is showing a development of rapid momentum following urbanization; under the conditions where the population is exploding and urbanization is picking up such rapid pace, every inch of land in the city is almost as valuable as gold. As the land for housing construction is becoming even more precious, the current popularity of urban and suburb seeding houses together with the crowding of urban houses is increasingly obvious.

What kind of demand does modern housing areas place on landscaped environments?

What is the needs of modern urban citizens?

These points will be explored.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 20:07


热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 20:10

Abstract: Chinese classical garden and western classical garden both have their own shining points. With the rapid development of modern urbanization, the living environment, cultural and ecological background, the pace of living and the housing is now changing sharply. As residential places for the modern city people, what kind of landscape should be in those places? Modern residential places are in their rapid development in the process of urban develepment. With the explosive growth of population and the rapid urbanization, the land in the city becomes more and more precious.The prevalence of urban and suburb rooms results in the crowdness of urban residential house.What does the modern residential landscape require and what are the requirements of the residents in the city? Here the paper will do some explorations.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 20:09

Chinese classical garden and western classical garden respective flashing light of understanding, modern urbanization intensifies, the life of modern environment changed, cultural and ecological background, the pace of life, the great transformation of the great change, as the house of modern modern city residential need what kind of landscape garden? The modern house in urban development process, the rapid development momentum appears in a population explosion, rapid urbanization development situation, beckoning, housing construction of urban land covers more precious, cities and suburbs, the prevalence of room of urban houses are also increasingly zhang xian crowded. Modern residential environment landscape have what kind of demand? Modern city residents have what demand? In this make some exploration.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 20:12


热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 20:12

China's classical garden (yuan2lin2) and the western classical gardens shine with their own light of wisdom respectively. Following the intensive progression of modern urbanization, the transformation of modern living environment, the massive changes in culture, ecology and pace of living and the transformation of housing nowadays, what kind of landscaped garden is needed in the housing areas of modern people in the city?

Modern housing is showing a development of rapid momentum following urbanization; under the conditions where the population is exploding and urbanization is picking up such rapid pace, every inch of land in the city is almost as valuable as gold. As the land for housing construction is becoming even more precious, the current popularity of urban and suburb seeding houses together with the crowding of urban houses is increasingly obvious.

What kind of demand does modern housing areas place on landscaped environments?

What is the needs of modern urban citizens?

These points will be explored.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 20:07

Abstract: Chinese classical garden and western classical garden both have their own shining points. With the rapid development of modern urbanization, the living environment, cultural and ecological background, the pace of living and the housing is now changing sharply. As residential places for the modern city people, what kind of landscape should be in those places? Modern residential places are in their rapid development in the process of urban develepment. With the explosive growth of population and the rapid urbanization, the land in the city becomes more and more precious.The prevalence of urban and suburb rooms results in the crowdness of urban residential house.What does the modern residential landscape require and what are the requirements of the residents in the city? Here the paper will do some explorations.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 20:06

Chinese classical garden and western classical garden respective flashing light of understanding, modern urbanization intensifies, the life of modern environment changed, cultural and ecological background, the pace of life, the great transformation of the great change, as the house of modern modern city residential need what kind of landscape garden? The modern house in urban development process, the rapid development momentum appears in a population explosion, rapid urbanization development situation, beckoning, housing construction of urban land covers more precious, cities and suburbs, the prevalence of room of urban houses are also increasingly zhang xian crowded. Modern residential environment landscape have what kind of demand? Modern city residents have what demand? In this make some exploration.
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