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fallen angel 青山黛玛英文版歌词,注意是英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 18:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 13:03

I wanna know 我要知道
I wanna know 我要知道
I wanna know 我要知道
Yeah, I wanna know (I wanna know) 我想要知道
I wanna know 我要知道

You had me fooled 你这样愚弄我
You were so good at that 你是如此娴熟
I'm so unglued 我如此心烦意乱
Too many pieces to put back 有太多的碎屑来整理

You were the best by far 直到现在你是最好的
How did we end up like this 我们之间是如何结束的?
And even though who you are 甚至不知道你是谁
I can't believe it's like this 我不能相信会变成这样

I wanna know 我要知道
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那么它是怎样的感觉?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只爱的堕落天使是何感觉?

I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道

I followed you 我追寻你
To the deepest part of love (of love) 直到那情的最深处
And how do you destroy the life you built for us 但,你是如何毁灭了你为了我们所憧憬的一生?
This is a mystery you played the part so well, yeah 这是一部神秘剧,你这样出色地扮演好了的角色,是这样的
Now this is history 现在这只是历史
Was I the last to tell 我是这最后留下的人来诉说?

I wanna know 我要知道
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那么它是怎样的感觉?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只爱的堕落天使是何感觉?

The only thing that's worst than emptiness 那个比空虚更颓废的事
Is when your heart's lost 是你心的迷失
And the only thing that's worth the pain 那唯一值得让人悲痛心酸的事
Is the price of what love costs 是相恋的代价

It's when you think its all in your hands 当你觉得一切都在你掌握
That's when it's gone 当一切都消失
And you think you're invincible 你会认为你是一切的主宰
Believe me you're so wrong 相信我,你错了
Tell me how does it feel 告诉我那种感觉

How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那到底是什么感觉 ?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只堕落天使到底是何感觉 ?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 13:03

I wanna know 我要知道
I wanna know 我要知道
I wanna know 我要知道
Yeah, I wanna know (I wanna know) 我想要知道
I wanna know 我要知道

You had me fooled 你这样愚弄我
You were so good at that 你是如此娴熟
I'm so unglued 我如此心烦意乱
Too many pieces to put back 有太多的碎屑来整理

You were the best by far 直到现在你是最好的
How did we end up like this 我们之间是如何结束的?
And even though who you are 甚至不知道你是谁
I can't believe it's like this 我不能相信会变成这样

I wanna know 我要知道
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那么它是怎样的感觉?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只爱的堕落天使是何感觉?

I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道

I followed you 我追寻你
To the deepest part of love (of love) 直到那情的最深处
And how do you destroy the life you built for us 但,你是如何毁灭了你为了我们所憧憬的一生?
This is a mystery you played the part so well, yeah 这是一部神秘剧,你这样出色地扮演好了的角色,是这样的
Now this is history 现在这只是历史
Was I the last to tell 我是这最后留下的人来诉说?

I wanna know 我要知道
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那么它是怎样的感觉?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只爱的堕落天使是何感觉?

The only thing that's worst than emptiness 那个比空虚更颓废的事
Is when your heart's lost 是你心的迷失
And the only thing that's worth the pain 那唯一值得让人悲痛心酸的事
Is the price of what love costs 是相恋的代价

It's when you think its all in your hands 当你觉得一切都在你掌握
That's when it's gone 当一切都消失
And you think you're invincible 你会认为你是一切的主宰
Believe me you're so wrong 相信我,你错了
Tell me how does it feel 告诉我那种感觉

How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那到底是什么感觉 ?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只堕落天使到底是何感觉 ?
瑞安皇都大厦几个电梯 办签证和护照的具体步骤和一共的费用!我需要详细一点的答案. 办护照流程 办护照的流程是什么 哪位推荐几部韩剧啊!!要像豪杰春香,魔女幼熙这样的,剧情要感人,最好是... 小阴唇内应该是光滑的吗,阴道口痒为什么 阴道口有像草莓样正常吗 任氏族谱字辈:世秉忠贞 永达明玉起 国正天元律迎祖大继昌 河南夏氏家谱辈分我是永城市酂城镇夏氏夏世界具家谱记载洪武二年始祖良... 夏侯姓字辈排行 夏氏辈行,我爷爷明字辈,我父亲应字辈,我是崇字辈,后面是什么辈? 天润鸿达(天津)科技发展有限公司怎么样? 谁能帮我复制一份后街男孩的《fallen Agenl》歌词? 堕落天使郑智化歌词讲的什么 北京金讯鸿达科技发展有限责任公司怎么样? 一千个谎言 是什么歌里面的歌词 跪求——郑智化堕落天使的歌词! 成都聚才鸿达科技有限公司怎么样? 北京润兴鸿达科技有限公司怎么样? 苹果手机HTTP代理手动之后为啥上不了网,但是能聊天 堕落天使的歌词 《堕落天使》。求歌词 求大神指点,苹果wifi HTTP代理,,选择关闭,当手机关屏时就不再链接wifi了,选择自动比 求堕落天使的歌词 成都励志鸿达科技有限公司怎么样? 苹果手机怎么连接anyproxy 堕落天使 歌词 北京万维鸿达科技有限公司怎么样? 《堕落天使》的歌词是什么? 四川志成鸿达科技有限公司怎么样? iPhone http配置代理是自动 和网速有关么? 蚊虫叮咬的包是怎么产生的 登录小米云服务输入账号密码忘了怎么办 郑智化《堕落天使》讲的是一个真实故事么? 为什么蚊子叮人会有包 股市上涨百分之二十是什么意思 收到法院短信强制执行短信说查找被执行人财产信息是什么意思? 蚊子咬起包是怎么回事?要生物学原理。 求郑智化的全部的歌曲目录和<堕落天使>的歌词. 蚊子叮了为什么会起包 我申请强制执行后,*没有给我执案件受理通知书,只发了短信通知,这样行吗? 被蚊子咬了,为何会起包 蚊子咬了怎么会起包? 为什么被蚊子叮了会起包 股票亏百分之20,为什么上涨百分之20不能平? 被蚊子吸血以后,皮肤为什么会鼓起来一个包? 脸上无缘无故出现蚊子包,怎么回事 为什么蚊子咬的包包会出现奇怪的形状 被蚊子叮了起肿包是什么原理? 如何简单地看股票成交量 蚊子包反复出现