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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-11 23:01



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 23:16

A vast range of cultural, educational, athletic and social activities are available to Princeton students, faculty and staff. Getting involved in campus life is the quickest way to become a part of the University community, and to create one's own Princeton experience. Campus life activities are built around the concepts of encouraging each community member to express his or her talents and to respect all members of our pluralistic community. One of the University's most distinctive characteristics is its closely knit and integrated residential community. Housing is guaranteed for undergraduates, and nearly all students live on campus. The residential experience is central to Princeton's educational program, and the residential colleges offer students a supportive and enriching environment full of opportunities for personal growth. ------In September I start my third year at Fudan University,which means that I've spent exactly two years living on campus. In my opinion, university life is about enjoying yourself and realizing your dreams. The class timetable in the university is flexible, which gives students more free time. Some students spend it in the library, reading books. Their learning ambition is so high that they claim their seats as soon as the library doors open. But many prefer to relax doing something else, such as playing Gu-Zheng, an ancient Chinese musical instrument. My roommate has one of these. She paid 500 yuan for it, which was a big decision for her, because her family's financial situation is not so good. My friend earned all the money herself by tutoring junior students twice a week. She only spent five yuan every day over three meals. After three months, she realized her dream. As we students are getting older we can start making our own decisions. With this right comes responsibility. Most of us take part-time jobs as tutors to earn some pocket money- a few capable students will gain enough money to be self-sufficient. By teaching we realize the challenge of making a living. Some of my friendscomplain about the workload, though they admit that teaching also makes them confident. As their students progress, the tutors feel happy too. There are other exciting things going on at university. Love stories are an indispensable part of life on campus. Though it may cause both happiness and bitter feelings, many can't help looking for true love. One of my best friends has had her heart broken twice. Maybe it's partly her fault through picking boyfriends by appearance, the way most people do. Love can make you blind to someone's lesspretty sides. But my friend feels that it's worth it to keep trying until she finds the right person. Those who have yet to find their prince or princess can devote their time to other things. Personally, I'm a big fan of Korean actors. Bae Yong Jun is a Korean movie star who Chinese girls are crazy about. At one point last winter, even the way Bae wore his scarves became a trend. I learned four ways of wearing my scarves! And of course I also copy his hairstyle. But to be honest, I have some difficulty getting my hair into the right shape... But for a university student, the most important thing should be studying. When I was a freshman, one of our tutors told us to make good use of the best teachers while at university. “Make sure that by the time you graduate, there's a big difference between you, and those who haven't entered school yet,” he said. This piece of advice made a deep impression on me. Always keep studying! To me, it's simple. Life on campus is about finding one's priorities, and about being part of a group who work to achieve interesting and creative goals.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 23:19

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