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wind up 的用法

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 17:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:51

When you wind up an activity, you finish it or stop doing it.(停止进行〕
The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia...

When someone winds up a business or other organization, they stop running it and close it down completely. (BUSINESS) (关门大吉〕)(生意失败〕
The Bank of England seems determined to wind up the company.

If you wind up in a particular place, situation, or state, you are in it at the end of a series of actions, events, or experiences, even though you did not originally intend to be.(到头来〕
He could wind up in gaol...
Little did I know that I would actually wind up being on the staff...
Both partners of the marriage wound up unhappy.(结果〕
= finish up, end up

When you wind up something such as the window of a car, you make it move upwards by turning a handle.(把车窗搅上来〕
He started winding the window up but I grabbed the door and opened it.
= roll up ≠ wind down

5 PHRASAL VERB V n P, also V P n (not pron)

If you wind someone up, you deliberately say things which annoy them. (BRIT INFORMAL)
This woman really wound me up. She kept talking over me.(激怒〕
= annoy

If you wind someone up, you say untrue things in order to trick them. (BRIT INFORMAL)
You're joking. Come on, you're winding me up.(开玩笑〕
= kid

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:52

1. Every time the plane takes off or lands I have the wind up.

2. The speaker will soon wind up his speech.
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