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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 23:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 23:47


Usher - Hot Tottie


They call me King Hov, copy?
They call me King Hov, copy?
They call me King Hov, copy?
They call me King Hov, copy?

I’m like oh Kimosabe
Your body is my hobby
We’re freakin’
This ain’t cheatin’ as long as we tell nobody
Tell your girls you’re leaving
I’ll meet you in the lobby
I’m so cold, yeah I need that hot tottie
Hot Tottie (hot Tottie)
Hot Tottie (thought I’d never fall in love, thought I’d never fall in love)

I see you like to talk sh*t,
I hear you baby
Claiming you a bad b*tch, show me, baby
I’m a wild boy
You tryin’ tame me, baby
To the were I get it from the high
Can you keep me faithful
Got a lot of girls
Got a lot of flava
That’s why when I hit ‘em they all need to return the favor
Yeah I hear you, what you sayin’
but hear me babe
That you can whip it to the point where I’m screaming your name

Said I’m tryin’ get your clothes off
From what I’m seeing you look so soft
It’s your body, what I’m goin’ on
Say you go ride it, just don’t fall off
Yeah I done had a lot of women
They tell me what they can do
But can you show me babe
ooooh you got me like’

I’m like oh Kimosabe
Your body is my hobby
We’re freakin’
This ain’t cheatin’ as long as we tell nobody
Tell your girls you’re leaving
I’ll meet you in the lobby
I’m so cold, yeah, you that hot tottie
Hot Tottie (hot tottie)
Hot Tottie (thought I’d never fall in love, thought I’d never fall in love)

I’m a choosey lover
I pick ‘em out
Talk a lot of sh*t, I hope its good as you putting out
Yeah, you fancy, huh?
I’m tryin’ pull you out
See it’s a lot of girls standing round
She say’
You claim you’re the best
And I only want the best
So I say, ha

I ain’t gonna be here long, girl
I’m tryin’ get you home and get your clothes off
a couple lovin , then you doze off
You claiming it’s better (?) if I take it all
So you go ride it, just don’t fall off
Yeah I done had a lot of women
They tell me what they can do
But can you show me babe
Oooh you got me like

I’m like oh Kimosabe
Your body is my hobby
We’re freakin’
This ain’t cheatin’ as long as we tell nobody
Tell your girls you’re leaving
I’ll meet you in the lobby
I’m so cold, yeah I need that hot tottie
Hot Tottie (Hot Tottie)
Hot Tottie (thought I’d never fall in love, thought I’d never fall in love)

I’m so cold, I’m so cold
I’m so cold, I’m so cold
I’m so cold, I’m so cold
I’m so cold, I’m so cold
Give me that hot tottie
Will you be my hot Tottie?
She said she wanna make me better
She wanna make me better

Wait a minute, mother f*cker

They call me King Hov, copy?
They call me King Hov, copy?
They call me King Hov, copy, copy, copy?
They call me King Hov, copy?
Big ballin’ is my hobby
So much so they think I’m down with the Illuminati
My watch do illuminate
My pockets are Gottie
But I’m God body, ya’ll better ask somebody
I was born a God
I made myself a king
Which means I downgraded to a human being
You was born a Goddess
I made you my queen
Which means we upgraded to Louis the thirteen
(Hot tottie)Hot Tottie, her body like cognac
Her momma like herb tea
We burned a couple of sacks
And after she slept, I creeped all in her tee-pee
We did it Indian style, had the girls speaking
In tongue she like young, you hung, what you done, done
Stop it fore you wake up my momma she might (ahhhh)
Now that you’ve arrived it’s time that I go…
I’m so cold, I’m so cold…

I’m like oh Kimosabe
Your body is my hobby
We’re freakin’
This ain’t cheatin’ as long as we tell nobody
Tell your girls you’re leaving
I’ll meet you in the lobby
I’m so cold, yeah I need that hot Tottie
Hot Tottie (hot Tottie)
Hot Tottie (thought I’d never fall in love, thought I’d never fall in love)

I’m so cold, I’m so cold (ho)
I’m so cold, I’m so cold (ho)
I’m so cold, I’m so cold (ho)
I’m so cold, I’m so cold (ho)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 23:47

Hot Tottie -usher


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