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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 19:04



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 12:01


Look at the sky
Look up so high
Where are the stars
They seem so far
My hopes are up there with the stars
Could the stars be high above me
They are out there, some where out there
A million stars shining for you and me
The road that I am on, may be long, may be wrong
But seasons they will change, day by day, nothing stays
Remember that the stars shine brightest in the night
Just follow the light
The road that I am on, may be long, may be wrong
But seasons they will change, day by day, nothing stays
Just follow the stars
My dreams they aren’t so far

Look at the sky
Look up so high
Look at the stars
See how they shine
They shine, they shine for you and me
Now the stars rise, high above us
They are up there, wishing for us
A million stars,shining for you and me
The road that I am on, may be long, may be wrong
But seasons they have changed, day by day, nothing stays
Remember that the stars shine brightest in the night
Just follow the light
The road that I am on, I keep on, keeping on
The seasons they have changed, day by day, come what may
Just follow the light
Follow your heart
Just follow the light
Follow your heart
Just follow the light
Follow your heart
I see the light now
Come out of the dark now
Go reach,go reach,go reach
Go reach for the stars
The road that I am on, I keep on, keeping on
The seasons they have changed, day by day, come what may
Remember that the stars shine brightest in the night
Just follow the light
The road that I am on, I keep on, keeping on
The seasons they have changed, day by day, come what may
Just follow your heart
Follow the light, in there
Look at the sky
Look up so high
Look in your heart
The stars are right there

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