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求Chamillionaire_Grind Time_歌词。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 08:45



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 19:17

Ha-ha, live from Houston Texas
Your's truly, the Mix Tape Messiah
Y'all know what time it is, it's grind time baby
Chamillitary mayn, the realestIt's grind time, I need mine
Grind time, I need mine
Grind ti-i-i-i-me, (looking at my watch)
I-I-I-I-I-I, I need mine
Not hanging around that corner, I'm chasing and trying to fold a
Whole stack I stay on my grind, when it's hot our or even colder
Yeah you know the color, denying it if they told ya
That I am not just a client mayn, I am the biggest roller
When it come to that paper, that paper be like my partna
My paper ain't never heard, the fat lady sing at the opera
Sitting low in that dropper, on top of the mono-block
Ya can't let all the hating stop ya, what would you be on the block for
Grinding, that's the reason yeah that's the reason you breathing
If that ain't nowhere around me, then that's the reason I'm leaving
Gotta go get my G's and, show em it ain't a problem
If you'd just get off your bottom, then you'll be saying I got em
Get it like me, maybe live near to see
While the people mad at your habit, beginning to be
Such a nusense but we, are as real as could be
And real recognize real, but you looking different to me
It's grind time, I need mine
Grind time, I need mine
Grind ti-i-i-i-me, (looking at my watch)
It's grind time, I need mine
Grind time, I need mine
Grind ti-i-i-i-me, (looking at my watch)
I-I-I-I-I-I, I need mine
King of the Chamillitary camp, cheering for the champ
BVS's in my necklace, my appearance like a lamp
Lit up in my ear, as they see the king appear
Haters definitely can't stand it, standing near a chandelier
I'ma keep on shining, like a Southern playa's spose'
I'ma keep getting respect, just ask about me round the globe
Down here the music Slowed, if it's tight they call it throwed
Candy paint cover my do's, and them wheels we call em 4's
Some on-lookers looking, like they wishing that they had em
Balling if I want it, don't play with it go and grab em
Get the old school a couple tools, candy paint and slab em
Go and get the old school DJ Screw, and jam it like a anthem
Don't care bout who you know, cause I'm the illest rapper rapping
If you think someone better, be a good lad and go grab em
For now I just go get it, and sit crooked on my Davin's
And deal with it how I deal with it, and do it like a champion
It's grind time, I need mine
Grind time, I need mine
Grind ti-i-i-i-me, (looking at my watch)
It's grind time, I need mine
Grind time, I need mine
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