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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 08:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 18:59

I didn't know what i felt after i heared the news that there is an earthquake in sichuang province .I felt bad , I really wanted to cry .I don't what it means: suddently thousands of lifes disappeared . their lifes , their minds , their love to the people who love them ,all disappeared , disappeared from the world. yes .i felt really bad .so ,what i can do when i meet with the accidents . i learn from the fact that life is very weak . so i will try my best to love the people who love me , thank the people who used to help me , to respect the persons who is friendly .
try my best to do everything well . to love the people around .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 18:59

I didn't know what i felt after i heared the news that there is an earthquake in sichuang province .I felt bad , I really wanted to cry .I don't what it means: suddently thousands of lifes disappeared . their lifes , their minds , their love to the people who love them ,all disappeared , disappeared from the world. yes .i felt really bad .so ,what i can do when i meet with the accidents . i learn from the fact that life is very weak . so i will try my best to love the people who love me , thank the people who used to help me , to respect the persons who is friendly .
try my best to do everything well . to love the people around .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 18:59

I didn't know what i felt after i heared the news that there is an earthquake in sichuang province .I felt bad , I really wanted to cry .I don't what it means: suddently thousands of lifes disappeared . their lifes , their minds , their love to the people who love them ,all disappeared , disappeared from the world. yes .i felt really bad .so ,what i can do when i meet with the accidents . i learn from the fact that life is very weak . so i will try my best to love the people who love me , thank the people who used to help me , to respect the persons who is friendly .
try my best to do everything well . to love the people around .
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