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英皇 英文介绍

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 08:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:26

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG)

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG) was established in 1999. It engages in the proction and distribution of local and foreign records, music publishing, artiste management, organization of concerts, play proction, movie and TV proction, multimedia proction, as well as merchandise licensing and distribution. EEG was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2000 and now emerges as one of the market leaders of the entertainment instry in Hong Kong.

EEG is dedicated to nurturing young talented artistes and has been the cradle of some of hottest artistes in the Hong Kong music instry. EEG artistes has won numerous awards in Hong Kong’s music awards presentation ceremonies over the years. Since the setting up of the Super Charged Award of the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation in 2002, which is presented to the recording company with the most outstanding performance of the year, EEG has won this award for three consecutive years, setting a brilliant and unbreakable record.

EEG now holds five music labels: the “EEG”, “Music Plus”, “Music Icon”, “Emperor Visual Proct (EVP)” and “EEG Music Family” labels. These labels allow music people lots of space and freedom to create different music. To drive local music to global excellence, EEG also invites world-class music people to work together to further diversify the scope of music creation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:26

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG)

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG) was established in 1999. It engages in the proction and distribution of local and foreign records, music publishing, artiste management, organization of concerts, play proction, movie and TV proction, multimedia proction, as well as merchandise licensing and distribution. EEG was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2000 and now emerges as one of the market leaders of the entertainment instry in Hong Kong.

EEG is dedicated to nurturing young talented artistes and has been the cradle of some of hottest artistes in the Hong Kong music instry. EEG artistes has won numerous awards in Hong Kong’s music awards presentation ceremonies over the years. Since the setting up of the Super Charged Award of the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation in 2002, which is presented to the recording company with the most outstanding performance of the year, EEG has won this award for three consecutive years, setting a brilliant and unbreakable record.

EEG now holds five music labels: the “EEG”, “Music Plus”, “Music Icon”, “Emperor Visual Proct (EVP)” and “EEG Music Family” labels. These labels allow music people lots of space and freedom to create different music. To drive local music to global excellence, EEG also invites world-class music people to work together to further diversify the scope of music creation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:26

Entertainment & Movies
Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG)

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG) was established in 1999. It engages in the proction and distribution of local and foreign records, music publishing, artiste management, organization of concerts, play proction, movie and TV proction, multimedia proction, as well as merchandise licensing and distribution. EEG was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2000 and now emerges as one of the market leaders of the entertainment instry in Hong Kong.

EEG is dedicated to nurturing young talented artistes and has been the cradle of some of hottest artistes in the Hong Kong music instry. EEG artistes has won numerous awards in Hong Kong’s music awards presentation ceremonies over the years. Since the setting up of the Super Charged Award of the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation in 2002, which is presented to the recording company with the most outstanding performance of the year, EEG has won this award for three consecutive years, setting a brilliant and unbreakable record.

EEG now holds five music labels: the “EEG”, “Music Plus”, “Music Icon”, “Emperor Visual Proct (EVP)” and “EEG Music Family” labels. These labels allow music people lots of space and freedom to create different music. To drive local music to global excellence, EEG also invites world-class music people to work together to further diversify the scope of music creation.

Web site: www.eegmusic.com
Enquiry: enquiry@eegmusic.com


EEG SHOWROOM is an artiste merchandise patent shop of EEG. At the same time, it manages celebrity and character licensing and proct development businesses.

EEG SHOWROOM has its own outlet in Hong Kong, selling exclusive artiste procts, fashionable merchandise and audio-visual procts released by EEG. Besides, as the licensor of EEG artiste images and other original cartoon characters, EEG SHOWROOM is actively searching of suitable licensees all over the world to develop and promote licensed procts together.

Website: www.eegmusic.com/showroom
Enquiry: enquiry@eegmusic.com


Emperor Entertainment Group (China) is an all-rounder professional cultural company solely established by Emperor Entertainment Group in the PRC. Emperor Entertainment Group (China) will incorporate its advantageous resources in the Mainland, Hong Kong and overseas, and make fruitful contribution in boosting the development of the cultural instry in the Mainland through utilizing its profound brand-name effect and its solid capital foundation. Operation in the mainland market enables Emperor Entertainment Group (China) to capitalize its richly endowed superiority, which ascertains it’s becoming one of the future leading powers in the Mainland entertainment instry.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:26

Entertainment & Movies
Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG)

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG) was established in 1999. It engages in the proction and distribution of local and foreign records, music publishing, artiste management, organization of concerts, play proction, movie and TV proction, multimedia proction, as well as merchandise licensing and distribution. EEG was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2000 and now emerges as one of the market leaders of the entertainment instry in Hong Kong.

EEG is dedicated to nurturing young talented artistes and has been the cradle of some of hottest artistes in the Hong Kong music instry. EEG artistes has won numerous awards in Hong Kong’s music awards presentation ceremonies over the years. Since the setting up of the Super Charged Award of the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation in 2002, which is presented to the recording company with the most outstanding performance of the year, EEG has won this award for three consecutive years, setting a brilliant and unbreakable record.

EEG now holds five music labels: the “EEG”, “Music Plus”, “Music Icon”, “Emperor Visual Proct (EVP)” and “EEG Music Family” labels. These labels allow music people lots of space and freedom to create different music. To drive local music to global excellence, EEG also invites world-class music people to work together to further diversify the scope of music creation.

Web site: www.eegmusic.com
Enquiry: enquiry@eegmusic.com


EEG SHOWROOM is an artiste merchandise patent shop of EEG. At the same time, it manages celebrity and character licensing and proct development businesses.

EEG SHOWROOM has its own outlet in Hong Kong, selling exclusive artiste procts, fashionable merchandise and audio-visual procts released by EEG. Besides, as the licensor of EEG artiste images and other original cartoon characters, EEG SHOWROOM is actively searching of suitable licensees all over the world to develop and promote licensed procts together.

Website: www.eegmusic.com/showroom
Enquiry: enquiry@eegmusic.com


Emperor Entertainment Group (China) is an all-rounder professional cultural company solely established by Emperor Entertainment Group in the PRC. Emperor Entertainment Group (China) will incorporate its advantageous resources in the Mainland, Hong Kong and overseas, and make fruitful contribution in boosting the development of the cultural instry in the Mainland through utilizing its profound brand-name effect and its solid capital foundation. Operation in the mainland market enables Emperor Entertainment Group (China) to capitalize its richly endowed superiority, which ascertains it’s becoming one of the future leading powers in the Mainland entertainment instry.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:26

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG)

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG) was established in 1999. It engages in the proction and distribution of local and foreign records, music publishing, artiste management, organization of concerts, play proction, movie and TV proction, multimedia proction, as well as merchandise licensing and distribution. EEG was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2000 and now emerges as one of the market leaders of the entertainment instry in Hong Kong.

EEG is dedicated to nurturing young talented artistes and has been the cradle of some of hottest artistes in the Hong Kong music instry. EEG artistes has won numerous awards in Hong Kong’s music awards presentation ceremonies over the years. Since the setting up of the Super Charged Award of the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation in 2002, which is presented to the recording company with the most outstanding performance of the year, EEG has won this award for three consecutive years, setting a brilliant and unbreakable record.

EEG now holds five music labels: the “EEG”, “Music Plus”, “Music Icon”, “Emperor Visual Proct (EVP)” and “EEG Music Family” labels. These labels allow music people lots of space and freedom to create different music. To drive local music to global excellence, EEG also invites world-class music people to work together to further diversify the scope of music creation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 17:26

Entertainment & Movies
Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG)

Emperor Entertainment Group Limited (EEG) was established in 1999. It engages in the proction and distribution of local and foreign records, music publishing, artiste management, organization of concerts, play proction, movie and TV proction, multimedia proction, as well as merchandise licensing and distribution. EEG was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2000 and now emerges as one of the market leaders of the entertainment instry in Hong Kong.

EEG is dedicated to nurturing young talented artistes and has been the cradle of some of hottest artistes in the Hong Kong music instry. EEG artistes has won numerous awards in Hong Kong’s music awards presentation ceremonies over the years. Since the setting up of the Super Charged Award of the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation in 2002, which is presented to the recording company with the most outstanding performance of the year, EEG has won this award for three consecutive years, setting a brilliant and unbreakable record.

EEG now holds five music labels: the “EEG”, “Music Plus”, “Music Icon”, “Emperor Visual Proct (EVP)” and “EEG Music Family” labels. These labels allow music people lots of space and freedom to create different music. To drive local music to global excellence, EEG also invites world-class music people to work together to further diversify the scope of music creation.

Web site: www.eegmusic.com
Enquiry: enquiry@eegmusic.com


EEG SHOWROOM is an artiste merchandise patent shop of EEG. At the same time, it manages celebrity and character licensing and proct development businesses.

EEG SHOWROOM has its own outlet in Hong Kong, selling exclusive artiste procts, fashionable merchandise and audio-visual procts released by EEG. Besides, as the licensor of EEG artiste images and other original cartoon characters, EEG SHOWROOM is actively searching of suitable licensees all over the world to develop and promote licensed procts together.

Website: www.eegmusic.com/showroom
Enquiry: enquiry@eegmusic.com


Emperor Entertainment Group (China) is an all-rounder professional cultural company solely established by Emperor Entertainment Group in the PRC. Emperor Entertainment Group (China) will incorporate its advantageous resources in the Mainland, Hong Kong and overseas, and make fruitful contribution in boosting the development of the cultural instry in the Mainland through utilizing its profound brand-name effect and its solid capital foundation. Operation in the mainland market enables Emperor Entertainment Group (China) to capitalize its richly endowed superiority, which ascertains it’s becoming one of the future leading powers in the Mainland entertainment instry.


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