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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 11:44



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 19:34

At 7:30 the breakfast time from 8:00-18:10 by driving to the bund sight-seeing tunnel. After huangpu river. Swim Oriental pearl 12 13:00 lunch time on maglev train 15, 00 visit the people's square round in nanjing prepared hotel. 18:00 sightseeing shopping returns

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 19:35

7:00-7:30am Breakfast
8:00am Go to the Bund by bus
10:00am Visit the sightseeing tunnel
cross the Huang Pu River
visit the Oriental TV Tower
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm take the magnetic train
3:00pm visit the Yuyuan Garden and People Square; shopping in Nan Jing Road
6:00pm return to the hotel

I lived in China's Harbin, here has already snowed, very beautiful.I also hoped can become the friend with you, you are very attractive, takes care

英语翻译 高手进 急啊~~~ 不要机器翻译

1. They released the thief.2. We will make the school more beautiful.3. He invited us to play a game.4. I want you to tell me the truth.5. The children were scared by the horrible noise.6. All boy were watching soldiers practicing.7. There was once a well in the vi...

英语翻译题,高手进! 初三的

1. Some of them who said that the construction of these observatories is a waste of money, and now the global financial crisis, our country should be saving more money.2. Observation post on China's relentless and even the important people all over the world. It allows us to ...


1. I am glad to see you 2. Li Hua knows a little bit of English 3. He watches TV every evening 4. How often do you go to see your grandparents?5. Your friend looks very young 6. Tom usually reads books on the bed 7. Her father often goes out for a walk after di...

英语翻译 急急急!!!高手请进.

1. he was so lucky that he met the film star yesterday.2. she is only a eight- month baby.3. the film was so boring that I was asleep during the trip.4. he wrote a book called "2000 year"5. In U.S.A.,some people don't save money for themsevles,but they gives...


to catch up with piano lesson.I will going to you home at 4:00pm,I went to your home I will call you before.翻译:好的。但是在星期三的晚上7点到8点,我有一节钢琴课。为了能赶上钢琴课,我将会在下午4点的时候去你家,去你家之前我将会打电话给你。拒绝的没话说...- - ...

英语翻译 高手进(中译英)

such as food and beverage fair, meadical fair, Asia-Europe disaster-control seminar have brought into play an important effect on further strengthening the status as China South west logistics hub, science and technology centre, financial hub and transportation communication hub....

英语倒装句翻译练习24题!! 高分求高手!!急!!

1、Ahead sits an old man!2、In front of my home stands a tall tree!3Under the tree stands an old peasant.4.On the wall hang two pieces of paint.5,I saw the notice on the blackboard,so did he.6.I have never been abroad,neither has he.7.The first one is not good,...

翻译高中英语 急 高手进 好了再加分

3 on the one hand I am your teacher, on the other hand, I am also your friend .(on the one hand:on the other hand)4 We believe that regular exercise is important.(consider. .. important)5 smart boy that the teacher can teach him absorb all the knowledge .absorb)6 If ...


忽然,一个人(影)拿着梯子出现了,将梯子靠到房子上,进入后消失了。当再出现时,他正用手臂抱/抓着女孩。他将女孩传递给下边的人后就在夜晚离开了。数周后,镇上开了一个会,决定谁收养这个已经没有亲人的女孩,(接到她的家并抚养她)。一位老师说 :她 乐意收养,她指出 他能保证(给女孩...

高手英语 高手英语怎么说 跪求高手帮我解小学一年级语言题 新高考高手信息技术必刷题大试卷 问题英语 高手刷题 高手阅读题及答案 求数学高手帮我解答这道题谢谢 跨栏高手阅读题及答案
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