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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-08 22:54



热心网友 时间:2024-01-10 04:53

Dinosaur extinction is still a major enigma of earth history. There are many of the imaginative theories for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Within the uniformitarian paradigm, the meteorite impact theory, once considered ‘outrageous’, now is the dominant theory. However, the volcanic theory is still believed by a majority of palaeontologists. Both theories have their strengths and weaknesses. The unscientific behaviour of those involved in the meteorite paradigm change will be briefly explored. Evidence that the dinosaurs died in a cataclysm of global proportions will be presented, such as the huge water-laid dinosaur graveyards found over the earth. Occasional monospecific bone-beds and the rarity of fossils of very young dinosaurs suggest a catastrophic death and burial. The billions of dinosaur tracks recently discovered provide testimony to unusual, stressful conditions. Nests, eggs, and babies are a challenge to a Flood model, but there are enough unknowns associated with the data that solid conclusions are difficult to draw. The part that impacts and volcanism play in a Flood paradigm will be briefly discussed. The question of whether the K/T boundary and the extinction of the dinosaurs should be considered a synchronous event within the Flood will be considered, therefore, no one knows exactly how dinosaurs died out?

K/T boundary 是地质学与考古学的一条纪年界线,是6千5百50万年前左右。

热心网友 时间:2024-01-10 04:53

How did dinosaurs die out?追问我是问你怎样用英文解释恐龙是怎么灭绝的

追答sorry, don't know

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