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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-08 15:25



热心网友 时间:2024-01-25 16:28

Transition elements of the periodic table of the elements is a d with a series of metal elements, also known as the transition metal.In general, this region includes3 to12a total of ten group elements, but does not include the F region of the inner transition elements. " Transition element" this one noun first proposed by Mendeleev, is used to refer to the 8,9,10and three group elements. He believed that from the alkali metal manganese group is a" cycle", copper family to halogen is a, then sandwiched between two cycles of a nature of the transition elements. Although this word is still in use, but has lost its meaning. Transition metal elements of a cycle is called a transition, fourth,5,6period elements belonging to the first, two or three transition series.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-25 16:29

The transition elements is to point to the periodic table of the elements in a series of metal d, also called transition metal.
Generally speaking, the area including 3 to 12 total ten nations of the elements, but not including the f transition elements within. "Transition element," the term first put forward by dmitri mendeleev, used to refer to the 8, 9, 10 three group element. He think from alkali metal to mn family is a "cycle", copper race to halogen another, then caught in between the two cycle elements must be of the nature of the transition. The word though is still in use, but has lost the original intention. Transition metal elements of a cycle called a transition is, 4, 5, 6 cycle elements respectively under the first, second and third in transition.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-25 16:29

Transition elements refer to a series of metallic elements that are in the D area of the periodic table and they are also called transition metals.
Genarally speaking,this area altogether includes 10 families of elements,from the 3rd family to the 12th one,however,it doesn't include the F area's inner transition elements.The noun“transition element”was first advanced by Mendeleyev,using the word to refer to the 8th,9th and the 10th families' elements.He thought that it was a cycle from alkaline metals to manganese family and it was another one from copper family to halogen family.So it must exist transition nature between the two cycles.Although this word is still being used,it has lost its original meaning.A cycle of transition metals is called a transition system。The 4th,the 5th and the 6th cycles' elements seperately belong to the 1st,the 2nd and the 3rd transition system.
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