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the mass 改编英文版 黑人说唱 求歌曲名字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 21:39



热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 17:28

Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas) - Regina Spektor

Down on Bowery they lose their
Balleyes and their lipmouths in the night
And stumbling through the street they say
Sir do you got a light
And if you do then you're my friend
And if you don't then you're my foe
And if you are a deity of any sort
Then please don't go
Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

And down on Lexington they're wearing
New shoes stuck to aging feet
And close their eyes and open
And not recognize the aging street
And think about how things were right
When they were young and veins were tight
And if you are the ghost of Christmas Past
Then won't you stay the night
Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

Down in BronxyBronx the kids go
Sledding down snowcovered slopes
And frozen noses frozen toes
The frozen city starts to glow
And yes they know that it'll melt
And yes they know New York will thaw
But if you are a friend of any sort
Then play along and catch a cold
Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas mon chere
Ne me quitte pas

I love Paris in the rain
I love Paris in the rain
I love I love in the rain

I love Paris in the rain
I love Paris in the rain
I love I love in the rain

I love I love in the rain

I love I love in the rain

I love I love in the rain

热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 17:29

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