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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 23:37



热心网友 时间:2024-03-10 02:57

奇葩说第一集里的英文歌叫《I'll always be the same for you》
歌曲:I'll always be the same for you
演唱:于文文 (Kelly
The night is over
We were sober
You said goodbye and i try not to be hurt
Seems like forever
Nothing has changed
And I'll always be the same for you
When you try to squeeze me tight

Everything feels all so right
Don't tell me no more lies and your reason why
I've tried so many times to see me in your eyes
But I realize
Oh I realize
The night is over
And all is over
But love so beautiful when we love this love the way
The sound of my voice

The smile on my face
And I'll always be the same for you
When you try to squeeze me tight
Everything feels all so right
Don't tell me no more no more lies and your reason why
I've tried so many times to see me in your eyes
But I realize
Oh I realize

The night is over
And all is over
But love so beautiful when we love this love the way
The sound of my voice
The smile on my face
I'll always be the same for you
And I'll always be the same for you

热心网友 时间:2024-03-10 02:58

《奇葩说》第一集里的英文歌叫《I'll always be the same for you》。
歌名:I'll always be the same for you
The night is over
We were sober
You said goodbye and i try not to be hurt
Seems like forever
Nothing has changed
And I'll always be the same for you
When you try to squeeze me tight
Everything feels all so right
Don't tell me no more lies and your reason why
I've tried so many times to see me in your eyes
But I realize
Oh I realize
The night is over

And all is over
But love so beautiful when we love this love the way
The sound of my voice
The smile on my face
And I'll always be the same for you
When you try to squeeze me tight
Everything feels all so right
Don't tell me no more no more lies and your reason why
I've tried so many times to see me in your eyes
But I realize
Oh I realize
The night is over
And all is over
But love so beautiful when we love this love the way
The sound of my voice
The smile on my face
I'll always be the same for you
And I'll always be the same for you

热心网友 时间:2024-03-10 02:58

欧美歌曲-无心快语\r\n\r\nw inds - paradox\r\n\r\n茶太 secret\r\n\r\n莫奇葩乐队 - Otherwise\r\n\r\n魔人侦探食脑奈罗 Ed 孤独のヒカリ 加贺美セイラ\r\n\r\n地狱少女 彼岸花\r\n\r\n李贞贤 - 怎么会这样 - 劲舞团\r\n\r\n魔女宥熙 愤怒的消失\r\n\r\n地狱少女 独り游び\r\n\r\n高达 seed 晓之车\r\n\r\n额我的主流是动漫歌曲 和英文歌···觉得有好听的和我分享下 我也会再找些给你

热心网友 时间:2024-03-10 02:59

第一集女生英文歌是于文文唱的《I'll always be the same for you》
第二集酒吧是于文文唱的《Parisienne WalkWays》这个原作是GaryMoore

热心网友 时间:2024-03-10 02:59

,,,,,,body shots
这是什么钞票。 请问这是哪个国家的钞票?价值多少人民币?谢谢 快易典学生平板电脑屏幕碎了怎么办,我在书店买的,可以拿到书店修吗... 沧州龟头周围有一圈小肉粒是什么? 快易典学生电脑的屏幕摔坏了,触屏触不了,可以修吗?如果修的话要多少... 西班牙冷汤和哪些菜品搭配更好喝? 西班牙番茄冷汤提示 我想请问你在秦汉胡同学学古筝...一共需要多少钱啊,包括买古筝的钱 word2010如何查看和编辑文档? 胸罩带子老掉,罩杯边有空 请教,强调 说 这个单词。比如奇葩说 青年说 晓说 。英文用哪个? 奇葩说英文翻译 英文翻译:《奇葩说》是由爱奇艺主办的说话达人秀节目。 (我认真的,,急) 奇葩说的英文名字 针织棉是怎么回事,会缩水,起球或者松懈吗? 怎么才会在58网上一直发个人贴,不会成为经纪人? 58同城给经纪人留言顺想租房子怎么留言 怎么给58同城经纪人留言? 怎么在58同城评论? 怎么从58上给5星好评? 晋中市榆次区在太原市的南边还是太原市的北|边? 榆次和晋中市的关系 晋中市和榆次是不是一个地方? 晋中站和榆次站哪个更离山西省晋中市榆次区高校园区大学街121号近? 晋中市是不是就是榆次 高人指点:晋中和榆次是什么关系? 晋中的火车站在榆次区吗? 榆次属于太原还是晋中? 企业PayPal资料可以更改吗 OPPO Find X2 大家觉得怎样呀? oppofindx2这款机器上手体验效果怎么样呢? 第二季《奇葩说》8月1号那一期背景插曲叫什么名字,是首英文歌,谢谢大家帮帮我 奇葩说第六季最后一期bbking产生,收官结束时那首男声英文歌叫什么名字?谢谢。 奇葩说第三季23期结尾处英文歌曲 奇葩说4月2号中最后的英文歌是? 求奇葩说第二季8-29最后他们秀恩爱的那首英文歌。 奇葩说第三季5月14片尾英文歌名字是什么啊 奇葩说第三季2016年4月2号这期结尾播放的英文歌叫什么名字 奇葩说上social就是社交什么意思 索尼DSC-T90能扩容多大?我买了8G的记忆棒,拍照后有些照片无缘无故损坏,而且不能用读卡器读取相片。 燕麦米小米百合莲子可以同吃吗 每天自己输入工资,然后一个月自动算工资的软件 讯遇直播,软件有风险吗? 君遇直播哪里下载 遇婚APP怎么开直播 请问 用悠久文件夹加密后,密码找不到了,如何解的密 秘密txt全集下载 秘密潜入简体版下载 未下载就加密了怎么解锁 医疗电子签名应用有哪些? 市面上提供签名ocr识别软件的服务商