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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 07:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:56

1.第一句这样就行:Hi,everyone enjoy yourself please!
2.人一般在口语中不好不用poor:I am sorry I often talk less,it's just
because I'm not good at English.
3.You konw,I did bad in this exam ,it made really sad.
4.so ,it would be so kind of you to let me pass this exam.
5.please let's cheer for you ,sorry please don't mind ,I can't drink much.Anyway ,thanks for your help.
6.I'm her boyfriend ,my love never stop.(你的下岗之分手吗?)
7 The Asian Cup is going to begin soon,which team do you support?
8.Hi,XX,nice clothes(可换为衣服名称)
9.which do you prefer,beer or wine?
10.Remember to help me and show your talent please?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:57

1. Hoped you eat today the happiness, drinks is happier, ha ha!
2. My English very inferior, therefore and you link up are also few 3. This test lets me very melancholy, because I am very bad,you know
4. Therefore, this takes a test you certainly to have to let methrough, asks
5. Respects your glass of liquors, my alcohol capacity very bad, donot have to mind Thank you help ~
6. I am her boyfriend, has not continuously come off sentryty
7. The Asian cup had to start immediately, which team did yousupport?
8. You are good, XX. Attractive 行头 ~ (clothes)
9. Drinks the beer or the white liquor?
10. Have not forgotten my request (help) oh ~


热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:57

1:I hope you happy today eat, drink more happy, ha ha!
2:I was lousy in English, and so you have less communication
3:The examination I was depressed, because I very poor, you know
4:Therefore, this examination you will let me through ah, Please
5:Respects your glass of liquors, my alcohol capacity very bad, do nothave to mind Thank you the help
6:I am her boyfriend, has not continuously come off sentry ty
7:The Asian cup had to start immediately, which team did you support?
8:Hello, XX. Beautiful clothes
9:Drinks the beer or the white liquor?
10:Do not forget my request

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:58

1 Please help yourself! haha!
2 My English is too poor to communicate with you all the time.
3 This exam let me feel so depressed, because I did very bad. You know it!
4 Therefore, please help me pass the exam this time。Please.....
5 Toast for you. I am not good at drinking. Please don't mind.
6 I'm her boy friend, haven't lost my job yet.
7 The Asian Cup is coming soon, which team will you support?
8 Hello, xx. Nice outfit
9 Do you want beer or wine?
10 Please don't forget what I ask for.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:59

1 Help yourself total today here~!haha!
2 My English is quite poor,limitting the communication with you.
3 I'm very gloomy about this exam, for my poor degree,you know.
4 Well, I beg your help to pass the exam certainly.Please~~!
5 Cheers~~! I'm poor in drinking~.Don't care.Thanks for your help indeed!
6 I am her boyfriend rightnow~,never out~!
7 The Asia Cup will soon hold on.Which team do you support?
8 Hello,~ xx. SO beautiful looking~~!
9 Beer or white liquor?
10 Don't forget my case~ ,surely to help,please~~~!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:59

Today i wish you will get happy when you're eating, getting more happiere when you're drinking,haha!
My English is kind of awkward, so i don't communicate a lot with you.
This test made me felt really gloomy, you know~because i'm bad at this.
so this time could you please let me pass, please..
cheer, i'm not good at drinking, never mind, thank you for your help!
i'm her friend, i have always been.
The asian cup is going to begin, which team do you support?
hi, cool clothes~!
would you prefer beer or wine?
Don't forget the favour you promised.
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