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Cliff Richard的《Dynamite》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 03:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 11:10

歌手:Cliff Richard
专辑:The Hits In Between

Right in the night, right in the night
Ain\'t it cool
Roling it high, roling it high
Ain\'t it cool
She\'s lookin hot, she\'s lookin hot
In the breeze
Flashin those eyes struck in her stuff
Sure got the look and that good thing\'s here for free
Baby i\'m not exepensive but tonight don\'t trick at me
Sure got the look and u\'re right next to me
Dynamite! Dynamite!
Sure got the look got to keep u on my hook
Pusy cat eyes, i\'m picking u
Sure u got the look
Right in the night u know that she\'s dynamite
Come on (dynamite! dynamite!)
Right in the night, right in the night
Ain\'t it cool
Right in the night, right in the night
She\'s no fool
Roling it high, roling it high
That\'s her thing
right in the nite SHE\'S COLD AS ICE
watch her step
Sure got the look and that good thing\'s here for free
Baby i\'m not exepensive but tonight don\'t trick at me
Sure got the look and u\'re right next to me
Dynamite! Dynamite!
Sure got the look got to keep u on my hook
Pusy cat eyes, i\'m picking u
Girl u got the look
U know baby
U\'ve got that dynamite
I want ur dynamite
U\'ve got that dynamite
I want ur dynamite
Sure got the look and that good thing\'s here for free
Baby i\'m not exepensive but tonight don\'t trick at me
U sure got the look and u\'re right next to me
Dynamite! Baby u\'re dynamite
Sure got the look got to keep u on my hook
Pusy cat eyes, i\'m picking u
Girl u got the look
Right in the night u know that she\'s dynamite
Come on (dynamite! dynamite!)
Oh this dynamite love, dynamite love
Brighter than moon has me slip thru the city streets
Dynamite love, dynamite love
U\'re holding me can\'t believe that u\'re having dets

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