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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 01:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:40

Before watching the film, I was so familiar with “the silence of the lamb”. I often see this title in some magazines. In the poster there is a woman’s head and a butterfly which is sticking on the woman’s mouth. I think this woman must be a main character of the story, and so it is. She looks beautiful and intelligent, making a good impression on me. It is said that the woman had best-actress award because of this film. And then I had the chance to enjoy this film with several classmates.

Because we watched the film in English, I couldn’t catch all the meaning quite well. Besides the thrilling scene and the terror, all the part which gave me the deepest impression was the two main characters of this story. One is a young FBI agent and also the figure of the front cover. She is assigned to help find a missing woman and save her from a psychopathic killer with the help of another killer. Another is a psychologist doctor Lector. As for players, they both have superb acting, and the young agent and the doctor also have vivid dispositions in the film.

I got an impression that there were many dialogues between the FBI agent and the doctor in a prison cell. The doctor’s appearance made me afraid, especially his sharp eyes. Just sitting in the chair quietly, not even a word. He usually gave us a terrible feeling. There were mysterious smiles in his face. I didn’t know it was kindness or evil intensions. He ate men’s tongues which sound very horrible, but he looked so kind to his visitor-the young agent named Clarice Starting. Maybe he was a criminal in the law and must be punished, but I didn’t hope that he was caught finally. In my opinion, he is not just a wise and intelligent person and also has strong sentiment and deep thoughts.

As for a young woman, Clarice has outstanding bravery and great capability. Faced to such a abnormal man, she was not afraid. She could investigate some incident alone. At last, she went to visit “Buffalo Bill” on her own. Thanks to her sober mind and quick reaction, she could kill the Buffalo Bill and save the woman ultimately. Certainly, she was highly commended for her good job.

In a word, this film is worth seeing.
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