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关于初中生活 的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 09:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 05:42

"This up, and the dead wood not fold, perseverance, the screen can be." When I was in DouShuSheng hearing the word, since they will think of one thing. Unforgettable That is learning to swim. Remember that is 2003 years of a summer vacation. That year summer vacation I to the quality, high speed, the principle of the early summer vacation corner "finished. I at home doing nothing, mother saw it all, let me go to learning to swim. I listen to the mother, the recommendations, feel very satisfied. So, my mother soon give I entered a quota, to learn to five days. Learn to swim the first day, "mission" is simple. Is that we in the water holding your breath for 10 seconds, "missions" of the slide easily was finished. People often say: "good to come!" So the coming days is not so better than cough up! The next day, the coach started teaching we hand movements. The coach said to me: "this hand movement looks be like simple, but want to do well, do standard is not easy thing. Do the movement of your hands, should be crooking fingers, if swimming hand piece very like chicken feet, the hand when swimming as a resistance, it is not swim the move, you will feel swimming is a very difficult thing to do." I even listen to the coach's words, very heart. The third day, we began to learn the feet of actions. First, let us each coach in his hand a float for board, we hand board, the body will float like cloth flapping like on the water. Then, the coach took one of our feet to teach one. Finally, we even the feet of the action also learn. The fourth day, the manager let us in shallow water to migration. Correct and regulate the action of the us, also let us in shallow water and the deep water area and swim back and forth. At first, well, the movement also pretty linger. Later, almost come to the deep water area. Do not know how to used, the in the mind also always think: there's a shark behind after me again, there's a shark behind after me again!!!!! So nervous, all action to totally forgot it, may be so reason! I the whole people would sank, also qiang several saliva. I immediately ran a fear and send them back home. After coming home, mom saw status was surprised. In the mother's "bullying" I finally put the whole course of events of the full told his mother. Afterwards, mother even listen to my "affliction" they said to me: "you can also three days fishing, two days sun nets! You have to work really assignments, never, by half. What is called: as long as kung fu deep, iron objects column polish. There are so-called: and the silk, takes up not fold, and not 舎 facilities, the screen can be." Although, it was time for a long time, but I still remember, but my mother said the remarks have been wandering in my heart, in the ears. 意思是“锲而舍之,朽木不折,锲而不舍,金石可镂。”当我在读书声中听到这句话,就想起至今难忘的一件事。那就是学游泳。 记得那是2003年的一次暑假。那年暑假我以质量高,速度快的原则,早早地就把《暑假园地》写完了。我在家里无所事事的,妈妈看到了眼前这一切,让我去学习游泳。我听了,妈妈这个建议后,觉得很满意。于是,妈妈很快就给我报了一个名额,要学习五天。 学习游泳的第一天,“任务”很简单。就是让我们在水里闭气十秒钟,“任务”轻轻松松的就完成了。人们都常说:“好戏在后头嘛!”所以接下来的几天时间裏就没这麽好过咯! 第二天,教练开始教我们手的动作。教练对我说:“这手的动作看似简单,但想把动作做好,做规范可不是一件容易的事。做手的动作的时候,应该要五指并拢,如果游泳的时候手张得像鸡爪一样,游的时候手会有很大的阻力,根本是游不动的,你就会觉得游泳是件无比困难的事。”我聼了教练的这番话后,内心深有感触。 第三天,我们开始学脚的动作。首先,教练让我们每人手裏拿招一块浮板,我们手拿浮板,身子则要像布一样扑在水面上。然后,教练就拿着我们的脚逐个逐个地教。最后,我们连脚的动作也学会了。 第四天,教练让我们在浅水区来回游。纠正并规范了我们的动作,还让我们在浅水区和深水区来回地游。刚开始,还好好的,动作也挺流连的。后来,差不多快到深水区了。不知怎麽囘事,心裏也总是在想:后面有鲨鱼再追我,后面有鲨鱼再追我!就这样一紧张,所有动作都给忘得一乾二净,也许是这样的缘故吧!我整个人就这样沉了下去,还呛了几口水。我一害怕马上就跑囘了家。回家后,妈妈见现状感到很奇怪。在妈妈的“威*”下我终于把整件事的来龙去脉一五一十的告诉了妈妈。后来,妈妈聼了我的“苦诉”后则对我说:“你也不能三天捕鱼,两天晒网啊!做事一定要有头有尾,有始有终,决不能半途而废。正所谓:只要功夫深,鉄柱磨成针。有所谓:锲而舍之,朽木不折,锲而不舎,金石可镂。” 虽然,事情已经过去了很久很久,但我还是记忆犹新,而妈妈说的这番话也一直在我心中徘徊,在耳边回荡。

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