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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 07:34



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 11:34

①His eyes eye up, down, left, right slowly swinging all 10 times
②My eyes slowly eye clockwise rotation 10 circle; Then slowly turn counterclockwise 10 circle
③Relax your eyes, look beyond, stay for 3 seconds, recycled to the tip line in look, stay for 3 seconds, a total of 10 back and forth
④Before and after the head swings around 2 times, every 10 back and forth
⑤Close ShunNi clockwise rotation head of uniform every 10 circle
⑥Natural prolapse arms and shoulders turn ten laps before and after all
⑦His hands around the eye to pressure points and the points for 5 seconds, only by not knead; To round eyes scraping 10 times

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 11:34

1.double eyes ball swing slowly for up, down, left and right 10 times each direction.
2.double eyes ball rotate slowy with clockwise 10 times, and anticlockwise 10 times.
3.relax eyes and look far 3 sec, than look nose 3 sec subsequently, repeat 10 times.
4.swing head for circle 2 times, total 10 times.
5.close eyes and swing head with clockwise and anticlockwise 10 times each direction.
6.drooping arms and twist both shoulders 10 times.
7. hands press acupoint beyond eyes, hold 5 sec each acupoint, do not kneading it; then frict eyes brbital 10 times.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 11:35

1)Both eyes ball moving ten times slowly from up to down, then from left to right.
2)Both eyes ball turning clockwise slowly ten rounds.Then, turning anticlockwise slowly ten rounds.
3)Relax both of your eyes,look over the far,stopped for 3 seconds.Then, slowly moving your sight to your nose's tip,stopped for 3 seconds again.Repeat this step for ten times.
4)Swing your head two times from front to back and from left to right.This step must repeat for ten times.
5)Close your eyes, then turning your head for ten times in a normal speed for both clockwise and anticlockwise rotation.
6)Drooping your arms naturally, turning both side of shoulders back and forth for ten times.
7)Use both of your hand pressing on the acupuncture point around your eye balls, stopped at every acupuncture point for five seconds, beware that you only pressing on it but not kneading at it, frict eyes orbital 10 times.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 11:35

①. swing your eyeballs up,down,left and right slowly for 10 times respectively
②. then roll your eyeballs slowly towards the direction of clockwise for 10 rounds and counterclockwise for 10 times
③. relax the eyeballs and look ahead in the distance for 3 seconds ,then look at the point of your nose for 3 seconds , and continue this step for 10 rounds
④. swing your head left , right, forward and back for twice and continue this step for 10 rounds respectively
⑤.roll your head clockwisely at the constant speed with your eyes closed for 10 rounds respectively
⑥ hang down your arms naturely and roll your shoulders forward and back for 10 rounds
⑦.press the acupoints around your eyes slightly with your hands, 5 seconds each,without any rubbing ; then scrape the eye-sockets for 10 times
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