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marriage status是什么意思

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 03:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:23

marriage status



Staff difference, age, grade level , and marriage status have significant effect on graate students'life stress.

不同身分别 、 年龄 、 年级及婚姻状况的研究生在生活压力上有显著差异.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:24




热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:24

marriage status

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:25


热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:25

婚姻状况 的意思
marriage status 和marital status 有何区别?

marriage status 表示婚姻状况; 婚姻状态;


护照上的marital status中的mar是婚姻的意思。详细解释如下:护照上的marital status是婚姻状况的意思。在护照或其他官方文件中,为了记录个人信息,通常会包括个人的婚姻状况。这里的“mar”实际上是“marriage”的缩写,即婚姻。当您在填写护照申请表或更新个人信息时,可能会遇到关于婚姻状况的选项,如未婚...

plenty of lot of a number of many 有什么区别?

宾语是jealousy scores(嫉妒指数),后面的of couples in university做jealousy scores的定语,连起来意思就是:大学里情侣们的嫉妒指数。人们把这种指数和几年以后他们的marriage status(婚姻状况)联系在一起,就得出了以下的结论。(注:人们的婚姻状况分为三种:单身single,已婚married和离婚divorced.)It wa...


2. 食指:表明渴望婚姻,显示未婚状态。3. 中指:象征正在恋爱中, a sign of being in a relationship。4. 无名指:代表已订婚或已婚, a symbol of engagement or marriage。5. 小指:表示单身或已离婚, indicating singleness or divorced status.这种戴戒指的含义可以用“追、求、订、婚、离”...


cowardly and outcomes irreconcilable conflicts with many aspects of the tragic similarities. Through the analysis of the two works, we can see the appearance and work similarity of two generations of different knowledge structure, social transformation of family and the status of women in ...

请问civil status是什么意思

filiation and marital status. Acts of civil status exist for birth, marriage and death.一个人的civil status就他/她的姓名,父子关系和婚姻状况。这个是google到的解释,好像说得有点太宽泛了。另外有一种很适合中国人的解释,即“户口”。建议lz采纳这种解释~参考资料:google/自己推测 ...


On the face of it, their marriage seems an improbable alliance.表面上看,他们的婚姻似乎是个荒谬的结合。Although many have tried., it does Seem improbable that the painting's unique status can be attributed entirely to the quality of its brushstrokes.尽管许多人已经尝试过,但这幅画的...


2. Marriage Immigration: Foreigners can obtain permanent residency through marriage to a Thai citizen. If a foreign man marries a Thai woman, children follow the father's nationality, allowing residence but not Thai citizenship; conversely, if a Thai man marries a foreign woman, ...


about the health status of each party. We hereby agree to be married as husband and wife in accordance with the provisions of the Marriage Act of the People's Republic of China.2. I make this declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and am responsible for any legal...

真的没人么?我没财富值了,求大神帮我做个Reading Report,格式是Title...

The book is mainly about love and marriage. Austen expressed her own opinion about marriage through several bourgeoisies’ ladies’ attitude towards marriage. Marrying for the sake of property, money or status is wrong, but do not take into account the above factors is foolish. As ...

marriage是什么意思中文 marriage status single是什么意思啊 person是什么意思 friend是什么意思 marital status中文 marital status翻译 state status marriage story
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