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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 07:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 18:59

Tiger Leaping Gorge 20 km long, 213 m gap, jumped into the tiger, the tiger jumped in the next three Tiger Gorge, a total of 18 dangerous shoals. Jiang's only the narrowest of more than 30 metres. Gap, elevation 1,800 meters, the height difference over 3,900 meters above sea level, the deep canyon in the world forefront.

Tiger Leaping Gorge is the world's famous Grand Canyon, the singular danger to the magnificent said. Tiger Leaping Gorge from the town of rivers along the h-Shun's snow-capped mountains and foothills, to enter the canyon. Tiger Leaping Gorge on the tiger jumped from the town nine kilometers, have direct access to highway, the whole valley in the narrowest section, Gap Kuanjin more than 30 metres, river have a 13-metre-high boulder - the tiger jumped Stone, Legend has it had to Tigers Shi and Yue Guo big Gap. The river is wrestling with the issue of boulder-ming of the Hong Shan Tao Sheng. Weng Sun Ran poet write good: "Fan City ax split scratch, the outflow to Li Li Niu Ben.中分days for first-line cut, two-to-door fighting folder." At this point Zhensi walk in the Jinsha River in the Shihmen.

Tiger Leaping Gorge along the north have arrived at a village in Yongsheng tiger jumped. This section of Central lock Jiangan cliff, cliffs on the Guaidan singular. The river is less than the distance of five kilometers or 100 meters. Jiang reef in the forest, it may Quanyajiaocuo, the paragraph referred to as "Gypsophila paniculata." Nutao agitation of the reef in the collision between the left-right, a fog chlorine Jiang surface air Mongolia. Jinsha River here has become a manic the Raptors. In this Xinjingdanzhan all visitors.

After "Gypsophila paniculata", walking along the rugged road, Yilv-h mountainside suspended from the explosion, the locals call it "Kuanyin waterfall", a mountain in the shape of Guanyin stand next to the Feibao, Qingfengdian to Qiongjiang-flying, Silk Lvlv flutter people cheek, so that the air is full of masculinity and the Gap凭添a bit charming.

Kwun Yam near a waterfall, a gentle hill is located on a small village, called Hetaoyuan Formation. Fangqianwuhou the large walnut tree will be set in Nonglv verdant residential areas, where the stone to build more housing top. Visitors to the Tiger Leaping Gorge, often in this unique style village Jiesu. Jin Jiang accompanied strong winds and the Voice of Jiang Tao, there is a very exciting feeling.

Hetaoyuan Formation to the village, along the wide road Chixu three kilometers before the trip can be arrived at the tiger jumped. Yan-terrain here, the last to see Gap, far impressive mountains. Stop here, back Thanks Yulong, h and saw a peak-嶂, snow, set-silver heap.

Under the tiger to jump very far, in the hilly appear on a straight, smooth-shaped stone of the World, which is famous Tiger Leaping Gorge dangerous path "HUASHIBANIAN." The slate of more than 300 metres wide, was 85 ° angle from the Gap at the end of Shen h mountainside, smooth stone surface, Cuncaobusheng, a fall slightly pedestrian, will slip river. The last people to see this road as Guimen Guan.

The early 1930s, a famous scholar of human culture Weifuluoke three times travels Tiger Leaping Gorge, the canyon Liulianwangfan and leased aircraft to conct aerial Tiger Leaping Gorge, the flu satisfied. After the founding of the PRC, Zhang Chong had seven generals visit Tiger Leaping Gorge, Tiger Leaping Gorge for the development of water resources has made immortal contributions. Finally, the remains will be throwing into the Tiger Leaping Gorge, Tiger Leaping Gorge in the addition of many tragic Haoqi.

"Tiger Leaping Gorge dangerous world," but this "dangerous" in it contains the sublime spirits who wins, it is this "dangerous", attracted numerous domestic and foreign tourists to this Xunyou adventure.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:00

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