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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 07:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 18:59

From Stephen Chow childhood perspective, it is difficult to imagine this kid will become a movie in Hong Kong play an important role in the history of the star. He is not performing family of origin. Film shot at him before selling off electrical appliances, in a hotel over the plate side. But worship him crazy Bruce Lee Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee). This is him in 1993 at a peerless masterpiece "Qiu-xiang Tang Bohu point" (Flirting Scholar) the story is to say, Qiu-xiang Tang Bohu likes, he went home to do mobiledog servant, after many hardships, and finally Tang Bohu mobiledog beloved married church. The film is both excited and stunned. This is a work of his called 【Title】King of Destruction Ho gold and silver (Stephen Chow), an ordinary young people in particular see, at a cafe for a long-term career in delivery day, silver met the hearts of the Arab-Israeli goddess Laguna (钟丽缇), the end of the same courage, but all of them exposed themselves Date weaknesses, then, silver 遂立 vow to become stronger, he finally defeated the rival big brother, and Ali together.
Then the Department called the "Westward Journey" I believe everyone has read, one of the most classic one is as follows: once there is a sincere love before me, I do not cherish, such as when I lost my only regret and, most painful thing on earth than this. If God can give me an opportunity again, I would have said the girl three words: I love you. If you must add at this Fall in love with a deadline, I hope yes ... ... ... ... Ten thousand years!
This movie is "King of Comedy" King of Comedy. King of Comedy Stephen Chow are their own artistic career is really a portrayal of a life never flinched.
Stephen Chow Kung Fu in my opinion are the most successful movie, first of all, this is his self-directed and performed movie, this Hong Kong films released in the Asian countries when they break the local box office records. Stephen Chow is Asia's comedy kings, but also one of the most popular artists. However, over the past few years make him less of a lot of movies, hoping that he can before his retirement at make a classic movie beyond.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 18:59


热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:00

From Stephen Chow childhood perspective, it is difficult to imagine this kid will become a movie in Hong Kong play an important role in the history of the star. He is not performing family of origin. Film shot at him before selling off electrical appliances, in a hotel over the plate side. But worship him crazy Bruce Lee Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee). This is him in 1993 at a peerless masterpiece "Qiu-xiang Tang Bohu point" (Flirting Scholar) the story is to say, Qiu-xiang Tang Bohu likes, he went home to do mobiledog servant, after many hardships, and finally Tang Bohu mobiledog beloved married拜堂. The film is both excited and stunned. This is a work of his called 【Title】破坏之王King of Destruction Ho gold and silver (Stephen Chow), an ordinary young people in particular see, at a cafe for a long-term career in送外卖day, silver met the hearts of the Arab-Israeli goddess Laguna (钟丽缇), the end of the same courage, but all of them exposed themselves Date weaknesses, then, silver遂立vow to become stronger, he finally defeated the rival big brother, and Ali together.
Then the Department called the "Westward Journey" I believe everyone has read, one of the most classic one is as follows: once there is a sincere love before me, I do not cherish, such as when I lost my only regret and, most painful thing on earth than this. If God can give me an opportunity again, I would have said the girl three words: I love you. If you must add at this Fall in love with a deadline, I hope yes ... ... ... ... Ten thousand years!
This movie is "King of Comedy" King of Comedy. King of Comedy Stephen Chow are their own artistic career is really a portrayal of a life never flinched.
Stephen Chow Kung Fu in my opinion are the most successful movie, first of all, this is his self-directed and performed movie, this Hong Kong films released in the Asian countries when they break the local box office records. Stephen Chow is Asia's comedy kings, but also one of the most popular artists. However, over the past few years make him less of a lot of movies, hoping that he can before his retirement at make a classic movie beyond.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:01

From childhood to chow, it is hard to imagine the boy will be in Hong Kong cinema occupy an important position of stars. He is not acting family background. In his films, sold in LiDuan hotel appliances, had plate. Bruce Lee, but his crazy adoration Bruce Lee (Lee). This is he in 1993, 'tis a death "(Flirting Scholar) this story is said tong, he likes chou-heung home to do to chou-heung servant, after many hardships, tong finally and beloved chou-heung bride married. The movie was excited. This is one of his works is called "the King of the title of" damage that HeJinYin (Destruction), an ordinary chow in the young people in particular, came to send take-out restaurant for a lifelong career, 1st, silver met heart goddess adan (Anderson), the courage to meet, but the appointment of weakness, since all exposed itself, silver and vowed to be strong, and finally he beat rival elder brother, and beautiful together.
The following is a west Odyssey believe that everyone has seen, one of the most classic is: the love which once had a sincerity put in my in front, I cherished and wait the time that I lose my only regret, is the most painful thing of this. If the god can give me another chance, I will say three words to the girl: "I love you. If it had a deadline, I hope it's...... A million years... !
The film is the "King of Comedy that" of "a Comedy. The king of comedy chow really their careers, a life of never quit.
I think kung fu chow's most successful films, first this is he directed from the Hong Kong films shown in Asian countries are local box office record. Stephen is Asia's comedy set, also one of the most popular entertainers. But he took over the years, the movie a lot less before retiring in hopes he can proce a classic movie beyond.
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