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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 01:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 00:16

UC Campuses

The campuses of the University of California provide exciting environments that foster world-class ecational and research opportunities and generate a wide range of benefits and services that touch the lives of Californians throughout the state.

The UC family includes more than 214,000 students, more than 170,000 faculty and staff, 37,000 retirees and more than 1.5 million living alumni.

Opened in 2005, the UC system's tenth campus at Merced—the nation's first public research university to be built in the 21st century—is the first new UC campus in 40 years.

UC is also actively involved in locations beyond its campuses, national laboratories, medical centers and neighboring communities — in places throughout California, around the world and online. Visit More UC Locations.

About the Campuses
The web sites of indivial UC campuses provide a wealth of information about their history, traditions, academic distinctions and social contributions as well as a compendium of facts, figures, maps and pictures. The links below will take you directly to each campus' "About UC" page:

Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz



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