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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 13:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 20:57

Accounting Credit Trends
Credit economy is a feature of the market economy. Credit economy heavily dependent on the formation of the integrity of accounting standards, and integrity of the accounting profession has to rely on workers in each accounting standards of professional ethics and moral decision-making capacity. In the mature Western market economy, enterprises trading of goods and services between the 70% is used in the credit settlement means, compared to cash settlement, the seller is more popular in the credit settlement. This reflects the sound credit system in Western countries; the other hand, illustrates the high level of integrity of the whole community, an important support which is good accounting professional ethics.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 20:57

The trend of accountants' credit.
Credits Economy is one characteristic of market economy. To a great extent, credit economy depends on the credit level of the accountants, and the credit of accountants also rely on their morality and moral decisions. In the western countries which have a more developed market economy system, goods and service transaction among at least 70% enterprises use credit to pay off the bill. Compared to those that use cash the pay off their bill, the seller are more preferred the credit method. This aspect reflects the perfection of credit system in western countries; on the other hand, it also demonstrate that the credit level in the society are relatively higher, and the backbone that supporting it is the good professional ethics.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 20:58

Accounting sincerity tendency
Credit economy is a feature of market economy. Credit economy largely depends on the formation of accounting sincerity level, and the integrity of the accounting profession and must rely on every accounting professional ethics of workers and moral decision-making ability. In market economy, the western countries mature between goods and services over 70% of the trade by means of settlement, credit than cash settlement, sale more favour in credit settlement. This reflects the credit system in western countries, On the other hand, it illustrates the entire social credibility level is higher, and one of the important support is good accounting professional ethics.
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