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一篇以我为导游,介绍长白山天池的,英语短文 100单词左右 。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 13:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 10:00

chang mountain, not only with its spectacular scenery of the world-famous, more because it has unique natural environment: the vast expanse of the ravine and perched in rare birds and animals, and to make it in 1980 on the UN international biosphere reserves. From chang mountain foothills to the top of the hill, we can see from the frigid temperate zone to different types of plants. Plant stratified distribution, very clear. In the foot of the hill, mainly broad-leaved forest; Up until the attitude of 1000 meters, is the needles and broad-leaved mixed forest. In this mixed forest belt, the trees the variety of different season the snow and wind and frost, make big forest landscape, and change multiterminal, appearance condition. At an altitude of 1000 to 1800 meters between, is woodland needles. Here GaoLin mountain close, the most economic value of the growth of conifers, and the tree, the trunk straight, vitality. Again upwards to nearly 2000 meter, is YueHuaLin belt. Yue birch to adapt to the mountains of harsh cold wet climate, trunk short in its music, bark joints with markings design interest. More than 2000 meters above, there is no trees, is moss zone, every year between June, this area in bloom all sorts of color of flowers, the scenery is magnificent.
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