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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 20:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:57

The Japanese Doll Festival, or Girls' Day, is held on March 3, the third day of the third month. Platforms with a red hi-mōsen are used to display a set of ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period.

Origin and customs:
The custom of displaying dolls began ring the Heian period. Formerly, people believed the dolls possessed the power to contain bad spirits. Hinamatsuri traces its origins to an ancient Japanese custom called hina-nagashi, in which straw hina dolls are set afloat on a boat and sent down a river to the sea, supposedly taking troubles or bad spirits with them. The Shimogamo Shrine (part of the Kamo Shrine complex in Kyoto) celebrates the Nagashibina by floating these dolls between the Takano and Kamo Rivers to pray for the safety of children. Also people have stopped doing this now because of fishermen catching the dolls in their nets. They now send them out in to the sea, and when the spectators are gone they take the boats out of the water and bring them back to the temple and burn them.

The customary drink for the festival is amazake, a sweet, non-alcoholic version of sake made from fermented rice; the customary food is colored arare, bite-sized crackers flavored with soy sauce. Chirashizushi (sushi rice flavored with sugar, vinegar, topped with raw fish and a variety of ingredients) is often eaten. A soy sauce-based soup is also served containing clams still in the shell. Clam shells in food are deemed the symbol of a united and peaceful couple, because a pair of clam shells fits perfectly, and no pair but the original pair can do so.

In popular culture:
References to the holiday and its activities are often referred to in film and music. Dating as far back as 1930's, the Hinamatsuri has been the subject of Japanese film, such as Hinamatsuri no yoru. More recently, the J-pop group the Mini Moni released a song Minimoni Hinamatsuri! which sings of the joy of the day.

This custom has also been shown in anime series such as Ojamajo Doremi and Keroro Gunsou. It was instrumental in solving the case in the episode "Festival Dolls Dyed in the Setting Sun" in season 11 of Case Closed.

A Hinaningyo display is obtainable by players in the Nintendo Wii game, Animal Crossing-City Folk.

An episode of the original Pokémon series, Princess vs. Princess, Girl's day was the main area in the episode. Unfortunately, e to cultural differences between America and Japan, this episode wasn't aired until several months later, along with The Purr-fect Hero (which happened on Kids Day, another Japanese Festival). Until the episode was aired it created a plot hole, because this was the episode where Jesse caught her Lickitung.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:58

"Girls Day", which is not a "foreign section", is in the early 1990s was born in institutions of higher learning, school is fun and culture on behalf of one of the procts. Girls Day is a result of a 3.8 and have a Women's Day holiday, the girls do not want to call themselves women, and women's festivals do not want to give up privileges. I do not know who the proposal had a female section. Girls Day Valentine's Day is one of the major derivatives, regardless of Chinese Valentine's Day or July Chuqi Western Valentine's Day is 2.14 in the winter and summer school can not be the most indispensable is why girls love the festival can be regarded as natural birth. This day will be boys love to the long-standing girls tell the truth, or the boys in his class in this special day for the girls for the holidays.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:58


Hinamatsuri(日本女儿节)介绍:The Japanese Doll Festival, or Girls' Day, is held on March 3, the third day of the third month. Platforms with a red hi-mōsen are used to display a set of ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional ...


1.Girls' Day is coming. Special blessings to special beautiful girls: send you a sunflowerMay you laugh every day; Send you a pistachio, may you eat it and miss me; Send anotherbeauty dish. May you look beautiful and handsome; With a bowl of beauty soup, I wish youbeautifu...






Girls' Day 起源:1.女生节在国内最早起源于山东大学,国内第一届女生节于1986年3月7日在山东大学科学会堂举行。此后各大媒体分别就“女生节”这一新生事物做了详尽的跟踪报道,女生节逐渐在象牙塔间蔓延。2.1991年诞生于广东工业大学的前身广东工学院,在男多女少的环境下,男生以“关爱女生”为宗旨...


女生节快乐祝福语英文 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到祝福语吧,祝福语能给亲朋好带去好运和欢乐。相信许多人会觉得祝福语很难写吧,下面是我整理的女生节快乐祝福语英文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 1.Girls' Day is coming. Special blessings to special beautiful girls: send you a sunflo...


10、有了你,世界才有了安宁;有了你,人间才有了姻缘;有了你,日子才有了美好;有了你,才有了女生节,有了我的祝福。 With you, the world will be peaceful; with you, the world will be married; with you, the day will be beautiful; with you, there will be Girls'Day, with my blessing. 11、...


女生节快乐英文:Happy Girl's Day;女生节快乐韩语:해피 걸스 데이在女生节这一天,除了祝她快乐,还可以送些礼物给女士,说不定她会回赠MarkYourMan给你哦,MarkYourMan它是带有爱情印记的男士内衣,只献给最亲密的他. 寓意“世间极尽亲密之物,今生...


happy girl's day!

QUOT 是女生节的英文标志吗?

某高校(组织)女生节节徽释义:1:整体创意以宋朝著名书法家赵拮的书法“好”字演化而来,意喻女生都是“好女子”的意思。 2、LOGO造型为一颗红心,意喻女生都有一颗青春纯洁而美丽的心灵。 3、外观为一只展翅飞翔的天鹅,象征每一位女生都有一双隐形的翅膀。 编辑本段由来 曾经有记者问为什么会是在3月7号她门回...

世界七大奇观英文介绍 世界七大奇迹的英文介绍 向世界介绍中国的英语作文 女生节和妇女节 女生节对女生的祝福 世界八大奇迹英语介绍 大学生女生节策划 介绍的英文 世界各种美食英文
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