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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 13:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 18:47

1. We all heard of "slamnk", because of my personal preferences basketball, so of the cartoon is more like it. I of the anime introce about below.
2. "slamnk" motivational anime is to develop basketball as clues, is about the growth of a group of middle school students in basketball.
3. The author of this anime is male inoue, he is also a Michael Jordan fan. Completion of the manga in 1993, in 1996. In China after publication, has caused a lot of basketball "hot".
4. Here, I will introces the main characters, the first is the coach XXX. A good team must have a powerful coach, XXX is the soul of xiangbei team flags. XXX's figure is phil Jackson, who won the award for the best coach in the NBA. Second, is the hero YingMuHuaDao, kit was no X, is a power forward. He is the core of the animation, is a representative of the hot-headed teenagers, the classic word is "I am a genius!" . Generally like the characters are more than male, why do you say that? Because of the existence of flow chuan maple! In fact, compared with no mind of cherry wood, cold flow chuan maple more girls like it. Rukawa maple, jersey number X, playing small forward, hobby is to sleep. Mantra is called cherry wood 'idiot ", at the same time with disdain eyes... and then, was the captain of the xiangbei team - XXXX, jersey number X, call center, to be honest, he long like an orangutan, become the country's first goal is to lead xiangbei team.
5. Of course, only a group of blood male is very monotonous, so the goddess and women leader appeared, respectively is XXX and XXX, from now on, no longer playing tired!
6. This is xiangbei team all the photos
7. Please see below for a period of great video
8. Although there are many years, but still strongly recommend you to look at the classic!追问第八句,英语语法,虽然但是怎么能一起呢。。




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