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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 15:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 17:46

中文 : 这里的天格外的蓝,敌过了大海那深隧的色彩;这里的空气分外清新,比过了山林的幽幽香气;这里的花朵无比动人,如五线谱在心中激起的一江春水;这里的人超然的灵,声如夜莺般婉转,心如雪莲般洁白,形如朝日般绚烂…… 。是她——我深爱的绵中,她用她那音符、词章,旋律、色彩、线条、布景、文字、律劲……织起了这一片绚丽的天空。 还是幼童时就对绵中萌发了一鼓热烈的神往,于是我日夜期盼,期盼与她在成长路上相会。然而事非所愿,由于多重因素,高高在上的她向我闭上了那扇神秘的大门。可我从未放弃,哪怕是一丝希望。终于,我的努力换来了那扇门的钥匙。今天,我的血液早已与她的汇聚在一起,比奔腾的长江更雄浑有力;比咆的黄河更发庞博伟大。绵中,我在这里奋斗。 人的一生有着太少的机遇和转折,失去了便过去了,过去了便没有了。于是我问自己“如何去把握自己的人生?”我知道这一切需要奋斗、拼博。尽管这条路上有太多的困难和艰辛,尽管也曾萌发过放弃和退缩的念头,尽管还为穿越人生的彼岸洒下苦涩的泪水和辛酸的汗水。但在我身后的那一位位园丁也未曾停歇,他们用自己的青春为我换来无数个成功的喜悦。也许他们正是传说中的英雄,不!他们正是英雄! 感激我们可爱的母亲吧!四季交替中,她用那五彩缤纷的画笔为我们织起张张蓝图,冬日的早晨,朗朗书声中激起了心中的豪情壮志,夏日夜晚,阵阵温馨带给我清凉的慰藉。她的温柔如同眼神的交流;她的美丽如同朝霞的灿烂。绵中,我的母亲,你所有的是那天下千千万万母亲所没有的啊! 你,我的母亲绵中,多么优美的仪表!多么高雅的气质!多么健壮的骨骼!多么迷人的微笑!多么矫健的身影!在容貌上比天使更发迷人!在智慧上你敌过了众人叩拜的天神!在你饱经风霜的脸颊上闪烁着多么不平凡的伟绩!在你博大的胸襟里蕴藏着多么宠伟的华美乐章……绵中,我的母亲,让我牵着你的手走向我的海,走向我的未来。 母亲啊!母亲!你虽经受了一切颠沛,但仍将闪耀着那无可能比的智慧光芒!我爱拼博,为我绵中。
The day is blue, the enemy is over the ocean that deep tunnel color; here the air is fresh, than the mountains faint aroma; the flowers very touching, such as staff in the heart aroused a river; the people here transcendent spirit, sound as sweetly as a Nightingale, such as heart, like white snow lotus Asahi, shaped like a gorgeous ... .... She is -- I love cotton, she used her notes, letter, color, rhythm, lines, text, background, legal interest ... ... Weaving the beautiful sky. Was a young child on the cotton in the germination of a drum passionate longing, and I look forward to her day and night, with growth in the road. However you wish, because of multiple factors, the superior to her I close the mystic gate. But I never give up, even if it is a glimmer of hope. Finally, my efforts to get the key to the door. Today, my blood has been with her together, than the mighty Yangtze more powerful; the the Yellow River more hair than, Pombo great. Cotton, I am here to fight. Person's life there are too few opportunities and turning, lost the past, the past is No. So I can ask myself " how to grasp their own life? " I know all of this struggle, pinbo. Although this road has too many difficulties and hardships, although had had to give up and quit the germination of the idea, although as of life through the other shed bitter tears and bitter sweat. But behind me that a bit gardeners also not stop, they use their youth in exchange for my countless successful joy. Maybe they are legendary heroes, not! They are heroes! Thanks to our lovely mother! The changes of the seasons, with her a riot of colours brush for we weave sheets blueprint, winter morning, Lang Lang in the book aroused lofty sentiments and aspirations, summer night, the warmth to my cool comfort. Her gentle as eye contact; her beauty like Zhaoxia brilliant. Cotton, my mother, all of you is that no thousands on thousands of mothers! You, my mother sheep, what a beautiful instrument! How elegant temperament! How strong bones! What a charming smile! What a powerful figure! In looks more charming than angel hair! In wisdom you have worshipped the God of all enemy! When you have experienced years of wind and frost cheek flashes of what an achievement! The generous mind is how pet Wei symphony ... ... Cotton, my mother, let me hold your hand to my sea, towards my future. Mother mother! Mother! Although you have withstood all difficulties, but will still shine with the light of wisdom than! I love Pinbo, for our cotton in.
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