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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 08:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:06

Global Volunteers Kunming Kunming mainly responsible for the training of primary and secondary English teachers to further improve their English, especially speaking and listening ability. The student work in the volunteers service has been always responsible,and provide much help to the life of the American volunteers ; Besides ,to the teaching of the volunteers。 He provided a number of recommendations and suggestions; what it is worth mentioning is that the students actively enthusiastic volunteers and the U.S. exchange, introced traditional Chinese customs, so volunteers have gathered some of China's culture, geography and history knowledge. Kunming, the U.S. success of the project volunteers have made some contribution.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:06

American global volunteers kunming mainly responsible for the project to kunming, English teachers training, further improve the English speaking, listening ability, especially. The students work in the service of volunteers have been responsible for American volunteer life, providing a great help, Also the teaching of volunteers to provide a lot of Suggestions and opinions, What is worth mentioning, this classmate enthusiasm and American volunteer exchange, China traditional customs, volunteers have learned some Chinese humanities, geography, history knowledge. American volunteer to kunming, the success of the project made certain contribution

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:07

The American round the world volunteer Kunming project primary cognizance carries on training to the Kunming Elementary and middle schools teacher of English, further enhances English, specially spoken language, hearing ability. This schoolmate has been responsible earnestly in volunteer's services, has provided the very big help to the American volunteer's life aspect; Simultaneously has also provided many suggestions and the opinion to volunteer's teaching aspect; What is worth mentioning, this schoolmate the enthusiasm exchanges with the American volunteers, introced that the Chinese tradition custom, made the volunteers also to understand some China's humanities, the geography, the historical knowledge. Has made certain contribution to the American volunteer Kunming project's success.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:07

Global Volunteers Kunming Kunming mainly responsible for the training of primary and secondary English teachers to further improve their English, especially speaking and listening ability. The students work in volunteer service has been a serious and responsible, life on the American volunteers to provide much help; the same time teaching the volunteers provide a number of recommendations and suggestions; worth mentioning is that the students actively enthusiastic volunteers and the U.S. exchange, introced traditional Chinese customs, so volunteers have gathered some of China's culture, geography and history knowledge. Kunming, the U.S. success of the project volunteers have made some contribution.
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