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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 19:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 11:30


1. He is tall 【主语加be动词,直接加形容词】他高。后边可以用short,thin啊什么的

2. He has long hair 【主语加have或has加修饰语】

3. She was very thin, with 【with 表示有什么】big eyes

My name is Wang Xiaodi, this year 11 years old, I read the new River Center, fourth-grade class. I have a pair of big eyes, a small nose and a big mouth. My favorite thing is the violin, books and computers, I like to do is playing the violin, listening to music, singing, playing on the computer, sitting in the classroom or at home a daze. I have a good friend, his name was King Tong Qi, she was very thin, with big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth, her favorite subject is music and painting, is a quiet girl.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 11:30

(一)I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is exciting, amazing
and sexy. When we first met I felt her erotic emanation. Now I know that she is
extremely intelligent too.

(二)She is 24 years old, and she has a 3-year-old son. So she is a mother. A sharp mother. She has a piercing in her tongue and two tattoos, one on her stomach (an Indian man’s face) and one on her back (it is non-figurative). I like them very
much. If you meet her, look at her face; it is so sweet. She has a birthmark on the tip of her nose.

(三)Sometimes I call her ”spotted nose.” It is so sweet. Really. Like a little cat. But her eyes. They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night. They are so maddening. Well, let’s talk about her mouth. When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips. (dimples)

(四)She is the most beautiful mother in the world and she is a real muse, a muse which every poet wants, lovely, wild, tender, sweet, and deep with secrets and love. A real woman.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 11:31

He is a handsome boy .他是一个帅小伙。

Which one?

He is the one who wearing olive shorts, a cap and a beige fishing shirt.身着橄榄绿短裤、浅褐色钓鱼衫,头戴一顶帽子。

He's taking a red unbrella.他拿着一把红色的雨伞。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 11:31

My dad is tall and strong.He is very strict .She is thin.She is pretty.He is very lovely.网友几年级的?

1、定语从句——(内填人物性别man或women)who is/ has(has后跟人物的特征)is my(内填你要描述的人是谁)。2、普通描述——动词:wear/has/is/get...名词:glasses/(什么颜色+什么衣服)/(什么样的)hairs/面目表情比如:largh/smile/cry/sad/happy...3、主+be+adj 主+be+of+adj+n ...


1. What does he/she look like?2. How does he/she look?3. What's his/her appearance like?These sentence patterns are:1. Subject + Verb (s. + v.) - This pattern is known as the subject-verb structure, where the verb is usually intransitive.2. Subject + Linking Verb +...


描述一个人的外貌时,常用的英语句型是“What does he look like?”,用来询问某人的外貌特征。详细解释:当我们想要描述一个人的外貌时,通常会注意他的身高、体重、发型、肤色、面部特征等。在英语中,描述外貌的常用词汇包括:tall、short、thin、heavy、blonde、brown、fair等。而关于面部特征的描述,...


(一)I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is exciting, amazing and sexy. When we first met I felt her erotic emanation. Now I know that she is extremely intelligent too.(二)She is 24 years old, and she has a 3-year-old son. So she is a mot...


询问外貌的三种英语句型如下:1、What's his/her look?他/她看起来怎么样?2、What does he/she look like?他/她看起来怎么样?3、How does he/she look like?他/她看起来怎么样?句型结构:(1)主语+谓语(s.+predicate)这种句型简称为主谓结构,其谓语一般都是不及物动词。(2)主语+系...


1. He is tall 【主语加be动词,直接加形容词】他高。后边可以用short,thin啊什么的 2. He has long hair 【主语加have或has加修饰语】3. She was very thin, with 【with 表示有什么】big eyes 这里有个作文你看看 My name is Wang Xiaodi, this year 11 years old, I read the new ...


三种用于询问外貌的英语句型如下:1. What does he/she look like?- 他/她长什么样?2. How does he/she look?- 他/她看起来怎么样?3. What's his/her appearance like?- 他/她的外貌如何?注意:在询问外貌时,可以使用这些句型来描述一个人的外观特征。第一个句型直接询问长相,第二个...




问外貌的三种英语句型:What is sb. like?某人怎么样,这句话主要是询问这个人的`人品等内在品质;What does sb. look like?某人看起来怎么样,主要询问外表情况;How does sb like/find sth?某人对某物的评价、看法。例句:1、Daphne Farlow,at forty-five, still looked and spoke like an ...


-He was very tall and plainly dressed.他个子很高,衣着朴素。-She is a plain girl with a pale complexion.她相貌平平,面色苍白。-I tried lying, but my pale complexion gave me away.我试图撒谎,但我苍白的脸色总会出卖我。-Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair ...

描写人的英文金句摘抄 描述人外貌的英语单词和短语 描写人物外貌的英语句型 描述人外貌的疑问句英语句型结构 描述人性格加例子的英语句型 英文介绍自己外貌10句 描述人外貌的英语句型区分 描述外貌的单词100个 问外貌的三种英语句型
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