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求英语翻译,http://v.ku6.com/show/hRQlctcFsFvL5Kyz.html ,其中的每一句汉语的翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 07:15



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:17

The flying bird shot upward force La in the forest shuttle, dilated pupils continued to run, run a child to east or west, turn right, continue to run, run together, call you see me naked, pensive look into the distance, and collective hero jumped in, full set two people fight closeup, sloshing in the eight party go with time interleaving, flying in the sky, horizontal lens, tears, holding the hands of marvelous photosphere, drifting feather petals, holding hands, stretched out his hand, face to face, back to back

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:18

The flying bird shot upward force La in the forest shuttle, dilated pupils continued to run, run a child to east or west, turn right, continue to run, run together, call you see me naked, pensive look into the distance, and collective hero jumped in, full set two people fight closeup, sloshing in the eight party go with time interleaving, flying in the sky, horizontal lens, tears, holding the hands of marvelous photosphere, drifting feather petals, holding hands, stretched out his hand, face to face, back to back

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:18

The wing of the bird-lens of Barbara upward force in the forest shuttle · pupil dilation · continuous running · · northwest to southeast children run! Run · to right to the left, to keep running · lovers run · that you see my naked · · · overlook the distant place of meditation and collective · protagonist jump in, full big set two eling close-up · · · eight party toward the tote shaking go · time crisscross · in the sky fly · · · transverse lens tears hands wonderful light ball · dancing with wind feathers petals · and wringing her hands · hand · face to face, back-to-back

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:19

Flying bird lens firmly pull up in the forest shuttle · dilated pupils · continuous run · run children run to the truck right to the left, continue to run couple ran together to call you to see me naked ·, contemplative looks into the distance there is a collective · protagonist jumped into a large collection of full and the two el Feature · sway toward the four sides of the Octagon walking time staggered in the sky horizontal lens · tears · the hands holding a magic ball of lightthe wind dancing feathers petals, clasping her hands · hand · face to face, back to back
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