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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:51

观后感The Dragon inside is really cute. Although it is very big, it is very timid. When I look at it, I feel that my heart will melt.The characters of the film are flat, and several protagonists of the film even broke with the first "master of dragon training". 

The hero little burp burp is a technical otaku with strong hands-on ability in the first film. He has this characteristic. He doesn't even have the characteristics of any technical otaku in the film. 

A large part of this fracture lies in the complexity of the roles in the film, The role of the protagonist's mother had a long reversal before she appeared - the film portrayed her as a villain like death. Some are unexpected and difficult to accept.




热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:51

(how to train your dragon2)
dragon was the enemy but now is friend
hiccup found there are other person who know how to train the dragon
he ride toothless and find his mother
his mother is a great dragon trainer
she has trained the dragon for a long time
but the evil man Drago Bludvist反派want to defeat them and rule the world
after a battle hiccup fail and his father died
every dragon are controled by Drago Bludvist and they want to destroy the Berk
but Drago Bludvist do not know the bady dragon can not be control
hiccup ride the rest of bady dragon return Berk
he earns the toothless belief
toothless rans out of control and defeat the Drago Bludvist
hiccup become the chief of the tride
he and his friend toothless get together
from this story i learn how to treat friend and what is the friendship
first give a trust to our great friend
believe them and a close friend is everythings
if friend have problem we should help them like hiccup help toothless out of control
i also learn how bad people pay fo their action and best chief must take responsible
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