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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:51


The film "How to Train Your Dragon" mainly tells about a little boy named Gege, who lives in the scarf tribe, and his father leads the whole tribe. 

Because many dragons hurt the people on this island, Gege's father led the people on the island to fight back.


Gege became the dragon's best and closest friend. In a decisive battle with the dragon in the dragon spiral, Gege sacrificed one of his legs and became an iron hook leg, so Gege became the bravest child on the island.

Since Gege killed the dragon, the other dragons are not as fierce as before and become docile.


Moreover, the people also set up a paradise for dragons on this small island. After watching this movie, I learned that animals are also flesh and blood and have feelings.

As long as each of us learns to care for and protect animals, animals won't hurt you. Let each of us take action to protect animals and the harmonious nature.

而且,百姓们还在这个小岛上建立了龙的乐园。 看了这部电影后,我知道了动物也是有血有肉,有感情的。只要我们每一个人学会去关心爱护动物,保护动物,动物是不会伤害你的。 让我们每一个人行动起来,保护动物,保护和谐的大自然吧。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:51

It tells us about a moving friendship between people on Berk and lovely dragons which is built,started by a Viking boy Hiccup and a nightfury Toothless.The story has a happy ending.Vikings and dragons become good friends.追答  很高兴为您解答:
  1. 驯龙高手的感受.英语版50。
  答:It tells us about a moving friendship between people on Berk and lovely dragons which is built,started by a Viking boy Hiccup and a nightfury Toothless.The story has a happy ending.Vikings and dragons become good friends.
  3. 小嗝嗝人物介绍20字。
  答:Hiccup is a Viking boy who builds a friendship between the Viking tribe and the clever and fantastic dragons.
  答:It tells us about a moving friendship between people on Berk and lovely dragons which is built,started by a Viking boy Hiccup and a nightfury Toothless.The story has a happy ending.Vikings and dragons become good friends.
  5. 驯龙高手1中优美词句。
  答:It tells us about a moving friendship between people on Berk and lovely dragons which is built,started by a Viking boy Hiccup and a nightfury Toothless.The story has a happy ending.Vikings and dragons become good friends.
  6. 为什么我的手机不能玩驯龙高手3?
  7. 驯龙高手2动画片哪一集是小嗝隔去接一个维京人?
  8. 电影驯龙高手2英语简介50词。
  答:It tells us about a moving friendship between people on Berk and lovely dragons which is built, started by a Viking boy Hiccup and a nightfury Toothless. They successfully beat the evil by using the weapon of justice. The story has a happy ending.Vikings and dragons remain good friends since then.

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