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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 19:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 10:20

Indians put more attention on price than quality, even you give them the bottom price he likely to bargain with you.
Indians relative to Europeans have poorer loyalty, he may give up his long-term cooperator because of cheaper price.
India‘s shrewd精明 is famous, they can be very smart to calculate various of what may happen
There are many middlemen in India.
Indian businessmen are often late for meetings.
Indian merchants have a habit, show your quotation to others and show others’ price to you
The local market in a constantly changing, import policy adjustment also
First you need a very thorough understanding of India, understand each other's culture background and economic background, to make sure that each other's identity, achieves the view, traders and middlemen had better not and Indian merchants on business
Quote should have greater leeway, first you have to give him a large percentage of discount, and then talk about, especially equipment for the talks. Negotiations often finally, he will ask you for a special discount, please remember, then immediately terminate negotiations, made it clear that not to talk.
Note the market survey, careless, formulates earnestly price and strict foreign quotation, not to exploit market and grab the customer and mping at low prices.
Negotiations of quotation, had better be oral quotation, need written offer also had better not is displayed in the company's name that, don't even signed in price.
If you want to put the meeting time at 9:00, then told him that the meeting is at 8:00 or at 8:30
Insist on payment by l/c at sight primarily the habit of world trade practices, traffic payment insists on for the D/P at sight, forward and D/A deal.
Didn't receive advance, never organize proction before, even if the contract a definite date of delivery.
Main ports of India:Calcutta, with exports tea and hemp procts mainly加尔各答,以出口茶叶和麻制品为主
Mum, imported instrial types of equipment and oil, export cotton textiles and fuel孟买,进口工业类设备和石油,出口棉纺织品和油料
Oregon MoErMu output, iron ore, other materials rarely operation 莫尔穆冈,输出铁矿石,其他物资很少经营。
Virginia's south and madras yarn capa are comprehensive port维纱卡帕特南和马德拉斯均为综合性港口
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